--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wvansant111" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You know its weird, seeing the photo of the rajas...and something about 
> Tony Naders expression...made me wonder if now that MMY has passed some 
> of them are sitting there feeling stuck. They've promised their guru 
> they will keep this going...so now they've got to follow through. When 
> MMY was alive it was all prestigious and they got to be around him, but 
> now are they going to have to sit around and have their conferences in 
> crowns and robes without their guru. It just has to feel ridiculous. 
> There has to be a part of them thinking about the exit door already. 
Precisely. Can you imagine what will be going through their minds in the next 
few months? 
Father is gone. I wonder how many will find a new Father or Mother.

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