--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That was Ned Wynne's terminology. Not one of the ladies.
> He was one of MMY's secretaries back in the Mallorca era. He's not neutral.
> Pretty negative I'd say. But funny as hell. Good writer.

  Hi, Rick, and all.. BTW, I knew Steven (Stephen?) Brown on a course (it was 
either my 6-
month "governor" training course (maybe 1976), or the 2-month "AEGTC" extension 
(maybe 1978) . I think it was the former.  He seemed one of us renegade types, 
he maintained his own fun zaniness in the midst of the serious "dignified" 
personna that was always so expected of us all...I was hoping he would stick 
around this 
NG, also... 
  With regards to the sexy sadie file, have you ever heard anything from Billi 
(Clayton) ?? I 
think he was around for quite a while as a secretary/ skinboy type, and then 
Quite the character ! 
   What a great book could be written with all the accounts from the multitude 
of MMY's 
ex-doorkeepers and secretaries/ skinboys (stories inspiring and otherwise...) 

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