Sal, who here hasn't asked these two to stop with the incessant and 
pointless feuding.  Obvious to one and all, irritating to the max, 
incapable of being ended because the 'other' always starts it up 

Turq posts with a broad (and often cheeky) brush and Judy can't 
resist calling him on every inconsistency, large or small, regardless 
of any value to anyone else, least of all as an inducement for Turq 
to change his style. 

It'll be obvious to one and all at FFL when Sat Yuga finally dawns.


--- In, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Feb 14, 2008, at 9:15 AM, authfriend wrote:
> > (So much for Barry's umpteenth vow, made just
> > yesterday, not to respond to me. This is the way
> > he usually sneaks back in, by ostensibly
> > responding to someone else who has responded to
> > me and demonizing me in those comments, without
> > mentioning my name. But he doesn't normally start
> > quite *this* quickly.)
> Judy, can you spell "paranoia"?  Geez.  Now even *third* party  
> messages by Barry are attempts to demonize you.  As a public 
> I am calling on you to state here and now how many messages 
> from your original message Barry's observations have to be before  
> you'll give up on attempts to get something started again.
> Sal

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