--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ruthsimplicity" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > I'm inclined to think it was his physical 
> > security they were all concerned about rather
> > than his health per se.
> <snip>
> > It's still very unclear when this illness took
> > place. In different published interiews and
> > articles, Chopra (who is the only person to
> > have discussed the illness in public, as far as
> > I'm aware) has cited the late '80s, 1991, and
> > 1996. (The second part of the title of Chopra's
> > "Ageless Body, Timeless Mind" may reflect
> > Chopra's problems with getting dates correct.)
> > 
> > Chopra associates the onset of MMY's illness with
> > the publication of his book "Perfect Health," but
> > that's not possible, for various reasons, some
> > of which I've outlined previously.
> > 
> > 1996 isn't possible either, so we're left with
> > late '80s. MMY moved into Vlodrop in 1990,
> > presumably right after his recovery, so he must
> > have fallen ill before then, but certainly not as
> > early as 1986. In any case, there were several
> > years in between his focus on "perfect health"
> > and his illness.
> > 
> > <snip>
> I just checked to see when Perfect Heath was published.
> It came out in April 1990 and was written in 1989, according
> to LOC records.  FWIW.
> Sure would be nice to have a nice neat timeline, wouldn't it?

Thanks! That gets us closer, if *anything* about
Chopra's "Untold Story" is correct. Apparently he's
mistaken 1990 for 1991, and April for August (same
initial letter, at least). If MMY fell ill when the
book came out, as Chopra says, that would have been
April 1990; and he would have recovered by sometime
later that year, when we know he moved into Vlodrop.

If so, then he wasn't out of circulation for an
entire year; and if he spent any time in the country
alone with Chopra, it could have been for only a
few months at most.

He'd have missed Guru Purnima in July 1990; that's
such a big occasion in the movement that it's odd
it wasn't a source of gossip and alarm among enough
TMO people that it would have seeped down to the
rank and file. So I'm still dubious about the whole
country-idyll business. I'll bet he was back in
Vlodrop by Guru Purnima.

Hmm, I just checked on Amazon. I looked "inside the
book," and the copyright page of the revised edition
of "Perfect Health" has the first copyright date as
1991. What could account for the discrepancy with
the LOC?

It sure is strange that MMY became desperately ill
on the day a book by Chopra called "Perfect Health"
was published. Now I'm wondering if telling the
story that way wasn't a subtle little dig from Chopra
behind all his devotional sentimentality. He didn't
*have* to mention the book at all; it played no other
role in the story.

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