'Sites for ‘Maharishi Effect’ (Welcome to Parma) Spread Across U.S.       
  David Ahntholtz for The New York Times
  Thomas Murach is an architectural expert with the Global Country of World 
Peace, which is trying to build peace palaces in Parma, Ohio, and elsewhere. 
The palaces, all in the same style, would be centers for learning 
Transcendental Meditation. 

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} function getShareHeadline() {  return encodeURIComponent('Sites for 
‘Maharishi Effect’ (Welcome to Parma) Spread Across U.S.'); } 
function getShareDescription() {    return encodeURIComponent('With the goal of 
creating world peace through Transcendental Meditation, a multimillion-dollar 
“Peace Palace” is being proposed in beer drinking, pirogi munching, 
Parma, Ohio.'); } function getShareKeywords() {  return 
encodeURIComponent('Area Planning and Renewal,Ohio,Transcendental 
Meditation,Maharishi Mahesh Yogi'); } function getShareSection() {  return 
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return encodeURIComponent('February 22, 2008'); }                    By SEAN D. 
  Published: February 22, 2008
    PARMA, Ohio — Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the “giggling guru” who founded the 
Transcendental Meditation movement, proclaimed throughout his 50-year career 
that he knew the secret to worldwide peace. And now, this Cleveland suburb is 
poised to play a role.
  The Maharishi promised that if just 1 percent of the world practiced TM, as 
it is known, then “the Maharishi effect” would take over and there would be 
increased coherence in the collective unconsciousness, and peace would prevail.
  But for decades he struggled to reach enough people, even though he lowered 
the necessary figure to the square root of 1 percent. So, in 2000 he created 
the Global Country of World Peace, a “country without borders,” to build at 
least one so-called peace palace in or near the 3,000 largest cities in the 
world as places to train people in TM.
  One of the palaces could be completed later this year in Parma, a town of 
83,000 people, where officials were more than a little surprised when TM 
leaders outlined the proposal.
  “The nature of it was a little unusual,” said Brian Higgins, the city’s 
director of public service. “What do you mean a ‘Maharishi Peace Palace?’ We’re 
Parma, Ohio. We eat pirogis and drink draft beer. We don’t get operations like 
this all the time.” 
  Getting towns like Parma to welcome the palaces — $3 million to $5 million 
buildings with dormitories, classrooms and shops — has become even more 
important to the TM organization in the wake of the Maharishi’s death on Feb. 
5. The peace-palace project will continue, movement leaders say, despite the 
multimillion-dollar costs and the limited success so far. 
  “There will be no change,” Robert Roth, a spokesman for the organization 
based in the Netherlands, said from Allahabad, India, where he attended a 
funeral for the Maharishi on Feb. 11. “It has always been a top priority of 
Maharishi, and all the leaders of TM recognize that.”
  Some critics, however, have called the palaces nothing more than a way for 
the Maharishi’s followers to raise money to buy more land for the group’s 
considerable coffers.
  At least three palaces — in Austin, Tex.; Houston; and Lexington, Ky. — have 
already been built by private individuals. 
  At least five others have been built, or are being built, thanks to donations 
to various offshoots of the TM organization in Bethesda, Md., and in towns in 
  Nine more are being built by Global Country itself: three in Cleveland’s 
suburbs; two in Sullivan County, N.Y.; and one each in Charlottesville, Va.; 
Colorado Springs; Smith Center, Kan.; and St. Paul. Zoning and other issues 
have prevented the organization from building right away in at least 18 other 
cities where it has already bought land, organization officials said.
  After originally hoping to build 2,400 palaces in the United States alone, 
the organization now says it hopes to build 100 to 200 here.
  Though the movement is admired for its finances, many independent critics 
question its belief that large groups of people meditating or practicing yogic 
flying — where people meditate and hop while sitting cross-legged in the lotus 
position — can spread peace.
  The organization cites studies that it says found that large groups of yogic 
fliers helped temporarily lower crime in Washington, D.C., end the cold war and 
briefly reduce hostilities in the Middle East.
  “To the best of my knowledge, it has never been studied truly independently,” 
said Dr. Herbert Benson, director emeritus of the Benson-Henry Institute for 
Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, and a TM practitioner 
himself. “It’s been hypothesized for many years, but never proven.”
  The peace palaces are intended to be gleaming white, two-story buildings, 
10,000- to 12,000-square-feet, and to replace the typical rented space where TM 
is now taught at more than 200 locations in the United States.
  Each is designed to be large enough to have dormitories, retail space to sell 
TM’s health products and clothing, and, most importantly, space for TM classes 
that currently cost $2,500. (Instruction in yogic flying costs an additional 
  They are being built to follow the Vedic architectural guidelines, which, 
among other requirements, mean each building faces east to greet the energizing 
morning sun. 
  The result is something like an Indian temple crossed with a Southern 
plantation mansion, a look the organization hopes will become a visual brand, 
much like the golden arches signify McDonald’s the world over.
  “The upside to it is in the recognition. In every town where there’s a peace 
palace, people will realize this is what it looks like,” said Richard Quinn, 
director of project finance for the Maharishi Vedic Education Development 
Corporation, which oversees palace development in the United States.
  The nine palaces being built by Global Country are being financed by $40 
million worth of tax-free bonds backed by the Colorado Health Facilities 
Authority — thanks to the asserted individual health benefits of TM — and 
secured by some of the more than $250 million in land TM owns in the United 
  Despite its spiritual leanings, and promises of peace, Global Country does 
not make that part of its pitch to towns when it seeks permission to build a 
palace, which would be tax-exempt. Instead, it focuses on the retail and health 
benefits it would bring.
  “My feeling is they’re trying to downplay” the world peace goal, said Mayor 
Gregory S. Costabile of Mayfield Heights, Ohio, where a palace may be built 
this year.
  Even when towns do learn about the movement’s larger aspirations, it usually 
comes down to whether a development fits a site and complies with zoning.
  And despite their skepticism, city and town officials concede, it is hard not 
to want what TM offers.
  “They’re interested in peace and harmony and good vibes, and we’re interested 
in that,” said Robert M. Parry, director of planning for Westlake, Ohio, where 
a third palace is planned for the Cleveland area. “Who isn’t?”

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