
Thanks for posting your experiences.  I also have continued my
practice in isolation - I spent 4 days last fall in FFld and domes,
but other than that, I've done program alone since mid eighties.

I also continue the siddhi program - I view the siddhis as a selection
of possible appreciations of properties, appreciation of qualities
from the transcendent -  the particular abilities or perfections are
not significant in themselves - but culturing the ability to
appreciate an abstract quality (such as friendliness) - cultures the
ability to appreciate any 'thing' from the Self

. . . my siddhi practice extends to almost my every waking moment -
everything is a flavor of Self - the TM-siddhi practice is with eyes
closed - but samyama is for seeing, samyama is for living.

If the person sitting next to me on the bus only knew - I see Self in
their hands - feeling a tad guilty I look away - aluminum sizzles with
Self - I honestly wonder, how did I get there - I look up and see Self
get on the bus, how can that be? . . . maybe I should have scraped the
mold off my bagel this morning   :)    Jai Guru Dev

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