Journalist and author Jeremy Scahill dispels the myth that Obama or 
Hillary plan to end the war in Iraq. On the contrary, by reading 
the "fine print" contained within their stated positions on Iraq, 
both Hillary and Obama intend to increase U.S. involvement once 
elected president: 
Welcome to Democracy Now! So, what did you find out, Jeremy? 

JEREMY SCAHILL: Well, I started looking at Barack Obama and Hillary 
Clinton's Iraq plans, and one of the things that I discovered is that 
both of them intend to keep the Green Zone intact. Both of them 
intend to keep the current US embassy project, which is slated to be 
the largest embassy in the history of the world. I mean, I think it's 
500 CIA operatives alone, a thousand personnel. And they're also 
going to keep open the Baghdad airport indefinitely. And what that 
means is that even though the rhetoric of withdrawal is everywhere in 
the Democratic campaign, we're talking about a pretty substantial 
level of US forces and personnel remaining in Iraq indefinitely. 

In the case of Barack Obama, I wanted to focus in on what his 
position is on private military contractors, particularly armed ones 
like those that work for Blackwater. And the reason I focus on Obama 
instead of Hillary on this is because Barack Obama has actually been 
at the forefront of addressing the mercenary issue in the Congress. 
In February of 2007—this was way before the Nisour Square massacre, 
where Blackwater forces killed seventeen Iraqis and wounded twenty 
others—in February of 2007, Barack Obama sponsored legislation in the 
Senate that sought to expand US law so that— 

JUAN GONZALEZ: This is just after he got into the Senate, right? 

JEREMY SCAHILL: This was in 2007. This was a year ago. And so, this 
was a major piece of legislation by Obama, and it was done in concert 
with Representative David Price from North Carolina in the House, a 
Democrat. And Obama's legislation basically said we realize that 
there are loopholes in the law that allow Blackwater and other 
contractors to essentially get away with murder, and so what we need 
to do is make it so that US law applies to not only Defense 
Department contractors, but State Department contractors like 
Blackwater. If they murder someone in Iraq, we can prosecute them 
back in the United States. 

Now, that legislation hasn't passed at this point, and it may never 
pass. I mean, the fact is that the Bush administration actually 
issued a statement opposing that legislation, and I want to read to 
you what Bush said. He said that law would have, quote, "intolerable 
consequences for crucial and necessary national security activities 
and operations." 

And so, I started to look at this reality. Obama is saying he wants 
to keep the embassy. Obama is saying he wants to keep the Green Zone. 
Obama is saying he wants to keep the Baghdad airport. Who's guarding 
US diplomats right now at this largest embassy in the history of the 
world? Well, it's Blackwater, Triple Canopy and DynCorp; it's these 
private security companies. 

And so, I started talking to some of the Obama campaign people. And 
it really took days for them to actually get back to me and provide 
someone to talk to me on the record. I started doing interviews with 
some of his people, and they said, "We can't answer these questions." 
And so, finally I talked to a senior foreign policy person, who said, 
yes, the reality is that we can't rule out, we won't rule out, using 
private security forces. And I said, well, Senator Obama has 
identified them as unaccountable, and the reality is, his law may not 
pass before he takes office, if he wins, and so Obama could 
potentially be using forces that he himself has identified as both 
unaccountable and above the law. Long pause. Right. 

And so, the situation right now is that Obama seems to have painted 
himself into a corner on this issue, because the reality is, Obama's 
people are saying, well, we're going to increase funding to the State 
Department's Diplomatic Security division. They say, ideally, the 
people we want to be guarding US diplomats in Iraq will be fully 
burdened US government employees who are accountable to US law. But 
the irony right now is that the war machine is so radically 
privatized that there are about 1,100 mercenaries doing diplomatic 
security in Iraq right now. There are only 1,400 diplomatic security 
agents in the entire world, and only thirty-six of them are in Iraq. 

JUAN GONZALEZ: Well, let me ask you, in terms of this whole issue of 
mercenaries in general, I mean, are we facing the possibility that a 
Democratic president would in essence reduce the troops but increase 
the mercenaries? 

JEREMY SCAHILL: Well, Juan, this is a great question, and it was one 
of the reasons why I started looking at this. I want to read you a 
quote here. Joseph Schmitz, who's one of the leading executives in 
the Blackwater empire, recently said this: "There is a scenario where 
we could as a government, the United States, could pull back the 
military footprint, and there would then be more of a need for 
private contractors to go in." So apparently these contractors see a 
silver lining in that scenario. You know, the reality is, right now, 
that these forces are one of the most significant threats to Iraqis 
in the country. I mean, we've seen scores of incidents where they've 
shot at them, etc. 

But as you know, Juan, this is a bipartisan industry. I mean, Bill 
Clinton really gave rise to this phenomenon of the military 
contractors. We know that Dick Cheney was running Halliburton in 
the '90s. Who was giving Dick Cheney all of those contracts? Well, it 
was Bill Clinton. And the Democrats have long been good for the war 
contracting industry. There's a reason why Hillary Clinton is the 
number one recipient of campaign contributions from the defense 
industry. Number two is John McCain. Obama is number four. Chris Dodd 
is ahead of him. It's very interesting. It's a bipartisan phenomenon. 

AMY GOODMAN: Well, let's talk beyond the mercenaries, beyond the 
military contractors, about their policies in Iraq. I wanted to turn 
to an excerpt of Tuesday night's Democratic debate in Cleveland, 
Ohio. This is NBC News Washington bureau chief and moderator of Meet 
the Press, Tim Russert. 

TIM RUSSERT: You both have pledged a withdrawal of troops from Iraq. 
You both have said you'd keep a residual force there to protect our 
embassy, to seek out al-Qaeda, to neutralize Iran. If the Iraqi 
government said, "President Clinton or President Obama, you're 
pulling out your troops this quickly? You're going to be gone in a 
year, but you're going to leave a residual force behind? No. Get out. 
Get out now. If you don't want to stay and protect us, we're a 
sovereign nation. Go home now," will you leave? 

SEN. BARACK OBAMA: Well, if the Iraqi government says that we should 
not be there, then we cannot be there. This is a sovereign 
government, as George Bush continually reminds us.

Now, I think that we can be in a partnership with Iraq to ensure the 
stability and the safety of the region, to ensure the safety of 
Iraqis and to meet our national security interests. But in order to 
do that, we have to send a clear signal to the Iraqi government that 
we are not going to be there permanently, which is why I have said 
that as soon as I take office, I will call in the Joint Chiefs of 
Staff, we will initiate a phased withdrawal, we will be as careful 
getting out as we were careless getting in. We will give ample time 
for them to stand up, to negotiate the kinds of agreements that will 
arrive at the political accommodations that are needed. We will 
provide them continued support.

But it is important for us not to be held hostage by the Iraqi 
government in a policy that has not made us more safe, that's 
distracting us from Afghanistan, and is costing us dearly, not only 
and most importantly in the lost lives of our troops, but also the 
amount of money that we are spending that is unsustainable and will 
prevent us from engaging in the kinds of investments in America that 
will make us more competitive and more safe.

TIM RUSSERT: Senator Clinton, if the Iraqis said, "I'm sorry, we're 
not happy with this arrangement; if you're not going to stay in total 
and defend us, get out completely"—they are a sovereign nation—you 
would listen? 

SEN. HILLARY CLINTON: Absolutely. And I believe that there is no 
military solution that the Americans, who have been valiant in doing 
everything that they were asked to do, can really achieve in the 
absence of full cooperation from the Iraqi government. And—

TIM RUSSERT: Let me ask—let me ask you this, Senator. I want to ask 

SEN. HILLARY CLINTON: And they need to take responsibility for 
themselves. And—

TIM RUSSERT: I want to ask both of you this question, then. If we—if 
this scenario plays out and the Americans get out in totality and al-
Qaeda resurges and Iraq goes to hell, do you hold the right, in your 
mind as American president, to re-invade, to go back into Iraq to 
stabilize it?

SEN. HILLARY CLINTON: You know, Tim, you ask a lot of hypotheticals. 
And I believe that what's— 

TIM RUSSERT: But this is reality.

SEN. HILLARY CLINTON: No—well, it isn't reality. You're—you're making 
lots of different hypothetical assessments.

I believe that it is in America's interests and in the interest of 
the Iraqis for us to have an orderly withdrawal. I've been saying for 
many months that the administration has to do more to plan, and I've 
been pushing them to actually do it. I've also said that I would 
begin to withdraw within sixty days based on a plan that I asked 
begun to be put together as soon as I became president.

AMY GOODMAN: Senators Clinton and Obama debating in Cleveland on 
Tuesday. By the way, we invited both foreign policy advisers both 
from the Obama and from the Clinton camp to talk about their 
positions on private contractors as well as on Iraq, and they both 
declined. Jeremy, their positions? 

JEREMY SCAHILL: First of all, Russert's question is sort of a false 
question. He shouldn't have asked that—if Iraqi government says you 
should leave. What Russert should have said to them is, over 80 
percent of Iraqis, conservatively, say they want the United States 
out now; will you respect the will of the Iraqi people? Of course, 
that question is not going to be asked by Tim Russert or Brian 
Williams on one of these debates. But the reality is, listening to 
Obama and Clinton, they're giving the impression that what they're 
going to do is immediately begin a total withdrawal of US forces. 

Now, I've looked very carefully at both of their Iraq plans, and both 
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have lifted much of their Iraq plans 
from two sources. One is the Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group, and 
then the other is the 2007 Iraq supplemental, which was portrayed as 
the Democrats' withdrawal plan. And both Hillary Clinton and Barack 
Obama have a three-pronged approach to what they see as a longer-term 
presence in Iraq. They say that US personnel are going to remain in 
the country to protect diplomats and other US officials in the 
country. And we've already talked a bit about that with Obama. 
Hillary Clinton appears to be taking the same approach on that. 
Number two is that they want to keep trainers in place that will 
train the Iraqi military. At present, there's 10,000 to 20,000 US 
trainers, all of whom will require security, so that's a substantial 
force. And then the third is that they're saying that they want to 
keep a force in place to, quote, "strike at al-Qaeda," in the words 
of Barack Obama's Iraq plan. 

When the Institute for Policy Studies did an analysis of what this 
would mean, they said it's 20,000 to 60,000 troops, not including 
contractors. And right now we have a one-to-one ratio with 
contractors and troops in the country. 20,000 to 60,000 troops 
indefinitely in Iraq, this is something that over the course of ten 
years the Congressional Budget Office says could cost half-a-trillion 
dollars. This doesn't include the fact that you have to have troops 
bringing supplies in and out of Iraq. It doesn't include the troops 
that Obama and Clinton are going to keep in Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan and 
elsewhere. I mean, this is actually a pretty sustained indefinite 
occupation that's going to be on the table if either Hillary Clinton 
or Barack Obama are in office and take power. 

And I mean, you know, the reality is that now would be the time for 
people to raise these issues, and yet no one is talking about this. 
It's "Oh, yeah, Barack Obama is going to withdraw troops from Iraq." 
Well, not exactly. He's actually looking at keeping a pretty sizeable 
deployment. The other thing about them is they're both calling for an 
increase in the number of troops in the permanent US military. In the 
case of Obama—and Juan, you've brought this up recently on the show—
in the case of Obama, he says 90,000 new troops. Well, that's going 
to be a $15 billion increase in military funding just for those 
troops to be in the United States, not including their deployment. 

The other thing is that Obama is saying he wants to increase the US 
occupation of Afghanistan by 7,000 troops. What's interesting is that 
we see Hillary Clinton, in her Iraq rhetoric, trying to move to the 
left; Obama, I think, now feeling that he's going to be facing John 
McCain, is moving to the right. I mean, his rhetoric talking about 
striking at al-Qaeda in Iraq, yes, he pointed out the irony of McCain 
criticizing him for that because there was no al-Qaeda in Iraq before 
Bush invaded, but Obama is sort of adopting their language now. And 
in his plan, the idea of striking at al-Qaeda in Iraq, I mean, who is 
al-Qaeda in Iraq? I mean, what—the Iraqi resistance is largely Iraqis 
who are attacking US troops. And so, Obama is—he's sort of 
positioning himself for this debate to make himself seem tough 
against John McCain. 

JUAN GONZALEZ: I wanted to ask you specifically about this whole 
question of the increase in troops, because when I asked Samantha 
Power, as his foreign policy adviser, about this issue, she talked 
about the US military being stretched and the need for even in 
peacekeeping to have what she called "boots on the ground" and that 
weren't sufficient. But the reality is obviously that there are many 
American troops in other parts of the world, like South Korea, like 
Japan, like, to some degree, Europe, that are not being—not—doing 
nothing else except occupying those countries, and they could be 
redeployed if the Army needed more troops. 

JEREMY SCAHILL: Right. I mean, what that indicates, I think, is that 
Obama is going to have an interventionist, expansionist foreign 
policy. I mean, that certainly was the policy of the Clinton 
administration. I mean, in fairness, though, Barack Obama, more than 
Hillary Clinton and certainly more than John McCain, who's talking 
about having troops in Iraq for a hundred years, Obama is talking 
about trying to increase the UN presence in Iraq. He's trying to 
bring in regional countries. I mean, he has a pretty serious 
diplomatic plan for Iraq. The problem is that it doesn't cancel out 
his military plan. 

On the case of the increase in troops, what Obama's people told me is 
that we need these 90,000 troops desperately, because our troops need 
a rest. Some of them are serving three, four tours over in Iraq, and 
so we need to get them in there. But the reality is, you don't get 
90,000 troops and then be able to deploy them overnight. So, clearly, 
they're thinking about this for years and years to come. I think the 
reality is that neither Barack Obama nor Hillary Clinton are actually 
going to be in the business of permanently ending the US occupation 
of Iraq. That's a deadly serious issue, and it needs to be front and 
center on this campaign. 

AMY GOODMAN: Jeremy Scahill, thanks very much for joining us. Jeremy 
has written the book Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most 
Powerful Mercenary Army. It's just been announced that he's won a 
George Polk Award—his second—for this book. Congratulations. You'll 
be on Bill Maher this week? 


AMY GOODMAN: Next Friday, talking about these issues.

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