I was happy to read the article your message linked to, espcially the
part that said that on a sunny day, a few of the solar thermal plants
can create as much energy as a few nuclear power plants. I think one
of Maharishi's gretest observations was that "through the window of
science we see the dawn of the age of enlightenment." I'm not sure TM
has anything to do with the technological progress we, the family of
man, are making, but science, I think, is on the brink of
breakthroughs that will transform human life. Two especially that come
to mind, and your post about one of them inspired me to post, are
energy and desalination. Science is in a positive feedback loop--the
more progress it makes, the more progress it is able to make because
part of its progress is improving the tools for making progress. I
can't help but think that science is on the brink of discovering how
to supply humanity with all the energy it can use in a way that
doesn't harm the environment. That discovery will transform human
life. Maybe one immediate benefit will be to make desalination of sea
water economically feasible, if the energy component of the current
cost of the process makes it prohibitively expensive. And that would
transform human life too.

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