On Mar 6, 2008, at 12:57 PM, michael wrote:

 Translate This Article

Michael, thanks for posting this. I took the above literally, and decided to see what would happen. Google doesn't have a translation into Hindi, so I chose Russian instead, Russia being the closest to India it would come. Here is the retranslation back into English. :)

"At the recent global family Chat, daily through satellite and the Internet, on Channel 3 to Maharishi Channel, Dr. Harris Kaplan, Raja (Administrator) India for the Global Country of World Peace, reported his recent visit to India in Brahmasthan, the first Peace The palace in India, many Maharishi School, and "extraordinarily progress "at all levels. He pointed to the high level the organization and implementation of programmes Maharishi there.

Dr. Kaplan warmly praised Dr Girish Varma, Director --The Secretary- General of the Organization of Maharishi World Capital of Peace Brahmasthan of India, and chairman of Maharishi Vidya Mandir School team, as chief organizer Maharishi programs and construction projects India.

Dr Varma travels from one big project on the other. Special buses, most of which he developed, complete with public address system, which he declared Maharishi coming of the new school for residents area. His attention to detail is legendary: "If not building walls right, it is bulldozed and rebuilt it, "Dr. Kaplan interrelated."

Getting to Ayodya, they saw a golden Maharishi Vidya Mandeers (Maharishi Consciousness school-based) built in accordance with the principles of Maharishi
Sthapatya Veda, every 30 to 40 km.

Dr. Harris showed pictures of the huge campus Bhopal, a Maharishi of the 185 schools with their students-85000 now the top schools across the India-developed by Dr. Eike Gartman, Minister Global Global reconstruction Country of World Peace, with its beautiful gates, wide playgrounds, and the marble room.

With flags of the Global Country of World Peace, flying from each spire, it is an impressive prototype education center. Dr. Kaplan led enlightened her everyday students, including Ayur Veda self pulse readings, detection wed and in the Vedic literature in physiology, and explore different parts of Maharishi knowledge.

Dr Varma created awareness through schools (at first, in his home six or seven students), even in areas where they were originally not welcome. Here successful and self-sufficient schools, in which students and parents, both in the practice of Transcendental Maharishi Meditation program twice a day, and there are waiting lists for admission.

Global Good News will address the second part of this article,
in the coming days."

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