--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mainstream20016"
> Saavy ?    By the end of MMY's life,  the TMO was
crack-cocaine-addicted to $1m Raja
> course fees, the pool of potential Rajas had dried, the existing were
Rajas tapped out.
> Western real estate holdings - the real business of the TMO over the
past two decades,
> were depreciating at a rapid rate....  MMY would still be alive today
had a really wealthy
> person embraced the TMO - he lost his spirit after decades of catering
to the miniscule
> pool of in-house TM elite.
>  In the meantime, the decades spent laying the foundation for rational
> acceptance of meditation was wasted as millions avoided the TMO.
> The TMO is dedicated to transferring American assets overseas; one
bent on selling every
> relative and spiritual thing possible, at inflated prices, to gullible
Americans.  The TMO
> expects America to fund the  teaching of TM to rest of the world,
while Americans are
> becoming less and less intelligent and less competitive with the
> The pattern mirrored America's 30 + year move toward devaluing middle
and working-
> class people.   In the meantime, suffering of the many was considered
acceptable as the
> TMO embraced ego-obsessed wealthy elitists. But as MMY taught us,
Natural Law
> eventually finds it way back to the lives of the many.  Unfortunately,
the TMO is ironically
> out-of-touch with the resurgence of Natural Law's move back toward the
>  Saavy ? Hardly.

Beautifully and succinctly stated - time will show it's accuracy too!


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