--More Kundalini experiences of Gopi Krishna at

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> from http://www.ecomall.com
> TK: Mr Krishna, you have had a Kundalini experience. I wish you 
> explain what a Kundalini experience is and what its ramifications 
> GK: Before I start to describe my own experience, perhaps it would 
> better to give a little detail about what Kundalini means. We are 
> using the totality of the human brain. According to various 
> estimates, most of us use only ten percent of the brain and 
> to some only eight percent. That means 90 percent of the brain is 
> unutilized, that there is still a large margin in the brain which 
> could be used for other purposes, and nature has provided it for 
> certain purposes which are not yet known to science. According to 
> Indian tradition, there is a region in the brain below the crown 
> about the pallette which is called Brahmarendra or the cavity of 
> Brahman. This region can be activated by certain disciplines and 
> activated it can give to the individual the same vision of the 
> universe which all great mystics of the Earth have described. When 
> is awakened the normal energy of the body or the blood is not able 
> fuel the center. It needs a more powerful and constrained psychic 
> fuel. This fuel comes from the reproductive system, which is 
> transformed into a kind of radiation and that radiation awakens and 
> makes the center function. 
> In my case, the awakening occurred at the age of 34, in 1937. I had 
> been meditating for 17 years and then all of a sudden during 
> Christmas, while I was sitting cross-legged in a state of 
> a strange thing happened. Something exploded in my brain and a 
> current of silvery light rising from my spine radiated throughout 
> whole brain, and I felt myself expanding in all directions. This 
> expansion was so incredible, so amazing that I thought that 
> unusual had happened in my inner ear. After this I had two other 
> experiences of the same kind, at short intervals apart, and it then 
> succeeded. 
> But something was changing in me and I could perceive this change 
> many, many years, day and night. In fact, I passed through grave 
> crises during that period. Finally, I became stabilized in that 
> condition of consciousness in my 49th year. Since that time I have 
> been living in that condition. That is to say, before my 34th year 
> was living in this world thinking, seeing, perceiving in the same 
> as other people do, but since my 49th year I have been living in 
> different worlds. One is the normal world of senses and reason, and 
> the other is the world which is much higher, much more happy and 
> which is totally apart from anything that we can know of the earth. 
> It is the world of consciousness.
> TK: How do you see the world?
> GK: We know what all people perceive of this world. I can 
> what you perceive of it, you can understand what I perceive of it. 
> That is, this perception is uniform. Everyone has the same 
> perception. But this other perception is different. In this other 
> perception you do not see the world as a solid, real, objective 
> creation. The real objective creation is consciousness. You see 
> consciousness everywhere. You see the ocean as if it is 
> everywhere. You see the ocean as if it is living; you see a 
> as if it is living; you see the sky as if it is living; you see the 
> Earth as if it is living; you see life or consciousness everywhere. 
> And this life or consciousness is not something which is really 
> or which is something you can understand. It is unfathomable. It is 
> wonder and everytime you see it, you perceive it. The wonder grows 
> deeper. I am never tired of sitting in quiet and reflecting on 
> myself. I am never tired of looking at the sky. The sky, to me, 
> not appear as it appeared before my 34th year; it is so 
> It is such a beautiful vision that I would like to look at it for 
> days and months on end. In other words, in the air a fountain of 
> happiness, a new kingdom, I should say, is opened. This is probably 
> what Christ meant when he said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within 
> you." This is the Nirvana of Buddha; and this is the state of Vada 
> mentioned by the Suffi mystics. In fact, in this inactive state 
> we perceive is consciousness in its most magic form, in its 
> form, and not consciousness as a point looking through the eyes or 
> hearing through the ears, but a consciousness which has its own 
> channels and which knows that it is the master and not the slave of 
> the material forces which knows it is the creator. It is infinite: 
> is deathless. In this state one feels himself to be a king, he 
> himself to be the master of what he sees. It is not the ego. I 
> say it is not the ego; it is the very condition of this 
> consciousness. That is the reason why it is said that no mystic 
> change his state even for a kingdom. It is somehing so unique, so 
> glorious, so elevating that I have no words to describe this state.

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