You are right Shemp but it seemed that she was made sec state as a n F U to 
  ALthough she was appointed to Bush not selected by him...  The companies she 
worked for appointed her. She is not a bimbo by any means but she is appointed. 
  She actually may have more control of the Oil company influence on Bush's 
agenda than anyone.   
  Unocal's desire to put a pipline, oil access appointments of Haliburton and 
other may well be influenced greatly by Rice....

shempmcgurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  --- In, Louis McKenzie 
> Yes. Even in Bush selecting him as Secretary of State. Even 
though I am anti Bush I aplaud the fact that Bush had African 
Americans in key positions. I also believe that he made a mockery 
of these appointments when he appointed Condi as Secretary of State. 

Why was that?

Condi Rice is one of the most accomplished people in public service. 
Unlike a certain presidential candidate who got to where she is 
largely as a result of being the wife of someone famous, Condi did it 
all herself.

What have you got against her?

That is reflective of the mentality and consciousness of Bush and 
Republican America. What was definately reflective of the Maharishi 
effect was the exposure of the flaws in American Politics and the 
corruption in the electorial processes.... This was something. All 
of the events in this 8 years of the 21 century have reflected major 
change. Even natures response to the actions of countries like 
CHina and the US. 
> Tragedy is always horrific but Karma is always just.......
> shempmcgurk wrote:
> --- In, Louis McKenzie 
> wrote:
> >
> > I am excited about the way things are going in the decision 
> process for Michigan and Florida. I am also VERY excited at the 
> idea of Barack Obama as the Democratic Party nominee... THis is 
> HISTORY. I see the Demcratic Party pushing the grassroots themes 
> all the way to the White House. So in November we will make History 
> A BLACK MAN wil be not simply a cook or butler or security person 
> living in the WHite House but the President of THe United States. 
> > 
> > The idea that America has come to the point where this can 
> finally happen it is Phenomenal.
> > 
> > To Me this is reflective of the Maharishi Effect. I am so 
> grateful to be alive and active at this time. No matter what the 
> criticism of Maharishi may be he is the guy who called it. He is 
> the guy who targeted it. He is the guy who said Louis if you do 
> program everyday you will make a major difference. Not saying I did 
> ny program every single day but I did and do do. Also I am not 
> saying that Barack Obama will or will not be a phenomenal president 
> that is yet to be seen. I am saying that America has grown a long 
> way......
> Would you have felt this way if Colin Powell had decided to run for 
> president?
> > 
> > Jai Guru Day
> > 
> > Louis McKenzie wrote:
> > Robert Wexler was awesome.
> > 
> > The Democratic Party 
> > 
> > of Michigan's proposal makes Barack Obama the Democratic 
> Nominee.....
> > 
> > Powerful weekend lets see what happens.....
> >
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