For those unfamiliar with Sant Mat, a major goal (as a required means 
toward what they call Self and God Realization), is "rising above 
bodily consciousness" - i.e. separation of the subtle body into 
higher dimensions via the 3-rd eye. The phrase "transcending the 
body" in Singh's tradition has an altogether different meaning than 
MMY's usage of the term "transcendence".
 In the following narrative, Kirpal Singh (died in 1974)  makes a 
curious statement regarding a Yogi from Rishikesh who had attained 
the "Sahasra"  or "first plane" level:

"When my Master left the body, I had to go to the wilderness. I had 
some experience of the jungle and secluded places for five or six 
months. I went to [Rishikesh] the home of Hindu theology, so to say. 
Shivananda, who has since passed away, lived there, and many other 
yogis as well. I went there and lived in a jungle across the river. I 
met everybody. All were intellectual wrestlers; debating clubs; all 
performing this elementary step: how to say prayers, how to perform 
certain rites and certain rituals. And most of them were doing hatha 
yoga practices. Of course, with due deference to it, it makes the 
body fit - that's all right. 

There was also one fellow, who is still alive, called Raghuvacharya. 
He's an old man now - I think 106 -107 years old - but he gets around 
like anything. When I went to see him, people said, "Oh, he never 
cares for anybody." When I was about more than 100 or 150 yards away, 
he appeared; he was sitting on his feet. He looked at me and he stood 
up. People said, "That's strange. He has never cared for any man, yet 
he stood up." He came forward and met me, and we had a talk. And in 
the talk it came out that he went to the first plane: to Sahasrara. I 
found only one man who had transcended the body and reached the first 
stage. He said that what he had learned by going through all the 
Shastras, Vedas and Upanishads, "I have come to know something which 
you speak by yourself!" [Raghuvacharya left the earth plane in 1971, 
at the age of 115.] 

That is the grace of my Master. Masters give you a digest of all this 
knowledge, which is called para vidya. So I found only one man there. 
The world is not without them, but there have been very few in the 
past, and even now there are few. You'll find that most of them will 
give you only: "Read this mantra, this shabda, this scripture, 
daily." They'll simply perform this ritual in this way or perform 
that prayer by lighting a candle or ringing a bell - whatever is the 
custom. Everyone has his own rituals and rites. That is right; prayer 
is a very good thing: the prayer that gushes out of the heart, God 
hears, and He makes some arrangement to bring you to Him. And some 
people direct you to make your body fit. That's good; but that's not 
spirituality: that's a helping factor for spirituality. Some teach 
you how to prolong your life - that's all right. Some teach you how 
to mesmerize others, how to hypnotize others, how you can read the 
minds of others. But all this is not spirituality. How many are there 
who really give you an experience of how to rise above body-

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