--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > You know, Rick, you really should include on the home
> > page that this "spiritual" forum welcomes liars and
> > that honesty is not held as a value.
> I agree, Rick. Please include in the rap that
> such liars are welcome to comment on films 
> they have never seen,

See below about Barry's comments on Inland Empire.

 and to call the creator
> of a film they have never seen a "bigot." That
> certainly shows a devotion to honesty.

It's not necessary to see "Apocalypto" to know that
Gibson is a Christian bigot. It's pretty widely
acknowledged and has been since long before he made
that film.

> > Damn right I didn't "review" the movie, as the post
> > in question clearly shows. For Barry to believe he can
> > actually reproduce the post *and still claim that I
> > "reviewed" it* is a truly massive exercise in solipsism.
> In ALL of the subsequent discussion of this gaffe,
> Judy has studiously avoided the real issue, which
> is that she commented on a film she has never seen,
> going so far as to call the filmmaker a "Christian
> bigot."

No, Barry's lying again. There was no "gaffe," and I
certainly didn't avoid the "issue" that I had commented
on a film I hadn't seen or called Gibson a Christian
bigot (which I stand by). That's what the subsequent
discussion was *about*, of course, and I addressed 
both "issues" in detail, as Barry knows.

I have no problem with someone saying I *commented*
on the film. They were very brief comments and were
based on a Mayan expert's analysis of the film's
historical accuracy, which analysis there is no
reason to doubt (among other reasons because he
was hardly the only person to mention them, as I
documented in the original discussion).

What I did was very different, as Barry and Vaj
are well aware, from "reviewing" the film. Words
*do* have meanings. You'd think Barry, who fondly
thinks of himself as a writer, would know that.

Barry might also want to remember that he branded 
Lynch's "Inland Empire" a "stupid movie" without ever
having seen it, in a post that he subsequently
*deleted*, cowardly hypocrite that he is--but
unfortunately for him, not before I'd seen it.

The "gaffes" in the discussion of "Apocalypto" were,
in fact, all Barry's, and were too numerous to
mention. If anybody's interested, the main threads
were titled "Mel Gibson, Christian Bigot" and
"Finally saw 'Apocalypto.'" Barry brought it up in
other threads, despite having made an utter fool of
himself in the main ones, as he's doing here; just
do a search for "Apocalypto" to find the posts.

> Judy, do you *still* believe that Mel Gibson is
> a "Christian bigot" (your term) for making the
> film "Apocalypto?"

Not for making the film, but for what he put in
the film.

 Please cite examples from the
> film you've never seen to illustrate.

Just refer to the original post.

 (The orig-
> inal author of the piece you quoted and believed
> without seeing the movie got several of his
> examples *wrong*, so I wouldn't use them if I
> were you.)

No, Barry, it was you who got things wrong,
including your utterly ludicrous notion that it was
fundamentally intended as a "love story," something
Gibson would find hilarious. You made a bunch of
other howling bloopers as well.

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