> I would like to know what is the advanced 
> technique number 6 !!!!
The sixth 'Advanced Technique' is sometimes 
called the 'Night Technique' - all others up 
to the sixth are just fertilizer on the 
first. There is only one single bija mantra 
given out in TM practice - the others are 
just words from Hindi. 

The Night Technique was originally taught 
by Gaudapadacharya, the guru of Shankara's 

Here is a brief outline:

Most TMers only repeat the bija portion of 
their mantra when they are asleep. However, 
according to Bramhacharya Satyanand, in 
dreams the entire mantra may be repeated. 

When I practice Marshy's secret Night 
Technique I often fall asleep with the 
bija portion of my mantra still in conscious 
awareness. When practicing the Night 
Technique, Satyanand advised me to be 
aware of the area just above my abdomen, 
and to put the bija there and let it rest. 

Then, all you have to do is babysit your 
bija, right on your navel chakra. Just set 
it, and forget it.

By resting your bija at the navel chakra, 
the subtle currents from your Istadevata 
will permeate your entire being. For example, 
my Istadevata is Saraswati, the 'Goddess of 

By resting the bija portion of her name, 
that is, 'sring', at the navel chakra, my 
intelligence will grow by leaps and bounds, 
right while I'm sleeping. Then, when I awake 
in the morning I will feel refreshed and 
full of knowledge. 

It's that simple! 

It is recommended by Marshy that one continues 
to receive advanced techniques regularly every 
18 months. 

Note: Apparently the Marshy's 'Night Technique' 
is no longer available. Anyone wanting 
instruction is this technique should be 
contacting me privately for free instruction. 

The 'Night Technique' is really a night-time 
siddhi float: 

My initiation with Satyanand took place at a 
three-day residence course with Jerry Jarvis 
at SIMS in Berkeley in 1968. The entire course 
was truly inspiring as I recall, and the 
initiation included a very deep five minute 
meditation led by Satyanand and concluded with 
one of the best Guru Dev TM pujas that I 
have ever personally attended. 

As for the technique per se, and after much 
practice, analysis, and reflection on its 
meaning, I have concluded that this 'Night 
Technique' is the *perfect* compliment to TM. 

Why so?

This one siddha yoga technique, if performed 
correctly, will provide many of the benefits 
of TM, 20x2, while one sleeps! Therefore, it 
is an intelligent way to realization. 

It should be obvious to any aspiring yogi that 
what one does during the hours of sleep are 
of the utmost importance. If one ascribes to 
the concept of karma and kala, that is, 
action and time, there is so much to do, and 
yet so little time to be doing it in. It is 
unfortunate that many people virtually waste 
over twelve hours a day in unconscious torpor, 
if not real stupor. 

However, this is one of the most subtle and 
esoteric of the siddha yoga techniques. A yoga 
so subtle, and so secret that, unless one is 
initiated by a genuine guru, and receives the 
proper instruction, mis-information can lead 
to many lonely sleepless nights, not to 
mention bad dreams devoid of any erotica 

Read more:

Subject: Good Night Sweetheart
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Wed, Nov 20 2002

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