WASHINGTON -- One day after clinching his party's presidential nomination, 
Democrat Barack Obama reached out to two groups that have concerns about his 
candidacy: Jewish Americans and supporters of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Speaking to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Obama won applause 
with a promise to "do everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining a 
nuclear weapon." He also assailed his Republican opponent, John McCain, for 
"willful mischaracterization" of his call for diplomatic outreach to the 
Iranian regime and said he "has no interest in sitting down with our 
adversaries just for the sake of talking."

 But as president, Obama said, "I would be willing to lead tough and 
principled diplomacy with the appropriate Iranian leader at a time and place 
and my choosing -- if and only if it can advance the interests of the United 

Calling the threat posed by Iran "grave," Obama said that "as president I will 
never compromise when it comes to Israel's security." He pledged $30 billion in 
assistance to Israel over the next decade to "ensure that Israel can defend 
itself from any threat -- from Gaza to Tehran." To a standing ovation, he said, 
"I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear 
weapon -- everything."

The presumed Democratic nominee took a shot at President Bush for delaying 
peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. "I won't wait until the 
waning days of my presidency," he said. "I will take an active role and make a 
personal commitment to do all I can to advance the cause of peace from the 
start of my administration."

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South Dakota primary

document.write("Clinton" + clintonSD + "(" + clintonSD + ")Obama" + obamaSD 
+"(" + obamaSD +")" + timestampSD + " | " + precinctsSD + " of precincts 
Source: AP");

1:28 AM | 100.0% of precincts Source: AP

Montana primary

document.write("Clinton" + clintonMT + "(" + clintonMT + ")Obama" + obamaMT 
+"(" + obamaMT +")" + timestampMT + " | " + precinctsMT + " of precincts 
Source: AP");

1:28 AM | 97.9% of precincts Source: AP
Saying that Palestinians "need a state that is contiguous and cohesive," Obama 
said any agreement "must preserve Israel's identity as a Jewish state, with 
secure, recognized and defensible borders" and with Jerusalem the capital of an 
undivided country.

The Illinois senator sought to dispel concerns in the Jewish community, 
circulating on the Internet, that he is a Muslim and is allied with critics of 
Israel. Obama is a Christian. "If anyone has been confused by these e-mails," 
he said, "I want you to know that today I'll be speaking from my heart, and as 
a true friend of Israel."

And he reminded the audience that African Americans and Jewish Americans had 
stood together during the civil rights era. "They took buses down South 
together," Obama said. "They marched together. They bled together. And Jewish 
Americans like Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner were willing to die 
alongside a black man -- James Chaney -- on behalf of freedom of equality." 
Calling the legacy of the three slain civil rights workers "our inheritance," 
Obama said, "We must not allow the relationship between Jews and African 
Americans to suffer."

As he began his speech, Obama acknowledged Clinton for "the outstanding race 
that she has run." Calling the New York senator "a true friend of Israel" and 
"a great senator . . . who made history alongside me for the last 16 months," 
Obama said that he was "very proud to have competed against her."

Clinton, who next spoke to the AIPAC audience, said that Obama "understands 
what is at stake here," and that it was "an honor to contest these primaries" 
with him.

"Let me be very clear," said Clinton, who has yet to concede the nomination. "I 
know that Sen. Obama will be a good friend to Israel" and will "say to the 
world that America's position is unchanging . . . that the United States stands 
with Israel now and forever."

Noting that the next president "will inherit grave problems," Clinton said that 
despite his tough talk to AIPAC in a speech on Monday, McCain "will continue 
the same policies" in the Middle East.

"America needs a new beginning in our foreign policy," she said, arguing that 
failed policies in Iraq and elsewhere have cost the United States influence and 
"strategic leverage."

"We cannot stand strongly with Israel," she said, "if we are not strong 
everywhere else."

Republicans today congratulated Obama on a historic race for the presidency as 
the first African American candidate nominated by a major party. McCain said on 
ABC's "Good Morning America" that Obama had run "a very effective campaign" and 
has "motivated lots of Americans to be involved in the political process." And 
in her morning briefing, White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said Obama's 
"historic achievement reflects the fact that our country has come along way 

Democrats, meanwhile, attempted to coalesce around Obama. With Clinton not yet 
conceding the nomination, Democratic leaders gave superdelegates until Friday 
to make a decision. In a statement by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of 
Nevada; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco; West Virginia Gov. Joe 
Manchin, chairman of the Democratic Governors' Assn.; and Democratic National 
Committee Chairman Howard Dean, the leaders said, "The voters have spoken. . . 
. We are urging all remaining uncommitted superdelegates to make their 
decisions known by Friday of this week so that our party can stand united and 
begin our march toward reversing the eight years of failed Bush/McCain policies 
that have weakened our country."

But Howard Wolfson, communications director for the Clinton campaign, told 
NBC's "Today" show that the New York senator plans to take a couple of days "to 
think this through and assess her next steps. And she'll have something to 
announce. And when she does, everyone will know it."

Asked about the prospect of Clinton as vice presidential nominee, Obama 
communications director Robert Gibbs said the process of finding a running mate 
has just begun. Praising Clinton for "a terrific campaign" that brought 
"millions of new voters into the process," Gibbs said on "Today" that the vice 
presidential choice is "an important process that's going to take some time."


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