from a Radhaswami website:

Newspaper Articles on Yogananda


Los Angeles Times, Wednesday, October 25, 1939:


Determined that he shall not become a vanishing Hindu, process 
servers were conducting a far-flung search yesterday for Swami 
Yogananda, Indian cultist accused in a sensational $500,000 damage 
suit, of amazing goings on with feminine followers.

Aiding in the search was the plaintiff, Nirad Ranjan Chowdbury, also 
known as Sir Nerode, former associate of Yogananda, who maintains a 
palatial abode on Mount Washington and also boasts a high class 
hideaway at Encinitas.

Chowdbury's charges took on a spice not generally associated with the 
spiritual repose of Yogism as the swami was sought by minions of the 
plaintiffs attorneys, Harold E. Krowech and Theodorn E. Bowen. 


After pointing out that Yogananda teaches that he is God, or 
Paramahansa, Chowdbury, Calcutta-born, Harvard educated student of 
East Indian religious philosophy, alleged that the swami has been for 
the past year trying to break up the marriage between the plaintiff 
and his wife, and that Yogananda prevented the plaintiff's wife from 
having proper care during the pregnancy of her child.

Moreover, Chowdbury alleges that the swami teaches that: The members 
of the congregation must not get married because their first love 
must be to God through Swami Yogananda and that if they should be 
married that their first loyalties are to Swami Yogananda and not to 
their spouse.

Picturing highly irregular practices in the cult quarters on Mount 
Washington, the plaintiff declared that the swami has young girls in 
the immediate vicinity of his room going in and out all hours of the 

The younger girls are kept segregated from older women, Chowdbury 
charges, adding: 

Young girls have free access to the rooms of said Swami Yognanda and 
that said Swami Yogananda forbids said young girls who attend him 
from going out with other men and forbids them to go out at all 
except with him.

At his Encinitas palace, Chowdbury charges, Yogananda maintains caves 
and rooms for meditation that are not in keeping with the standard of 
religious meditation...and that the places of mediation are too 
secretive and ornate of construction to be used for the purpose of 
spiritual mediation, all of which is contrary to spiritual practices, 
contrary to Hindu philosophy and contrary to the purposes and 
objectives of the partnership.

Changing from the romantic to the mercenary tack, Chowdbury declared 
that the swami has used contributions from his cultists to foster his 
ambitious and private ends. The plaintiff accused the swami of using 
the teachings of Yogoda and Hindu Philosophy for the sole purpose of 
creating a personalized interpretation of defendant Swami Yogananda 
as a as to force upon the members of the congregation 
and others the interpretations that God talks only through Swami 

Chowdbury said yesterday that while a graduate student at Harvard he 
met Yogananda, who then was lecturing in the East, became interested 
in the swami's teachings, and was made a partner with the swami in 
the cult only to be frozen out last January, after the long-haired 
cult leader had transferred his interests from the East to Los 
Angeles, where he is said to have attracted as followers scores of 
Los Angeles women and girls.

After the freeze out, Chowdbury said he became convinced that Swami 
Yogananda was engaged at all times in a purely commercial venture for 
the purpose of his own personal gain, and that his activities had no 
connection with the true Hindu Self-realization philosophy.

At the cult headquarters, a crisp young woman attache reported that 
the swami is due back today. He lectured in San Diego Monday night, 
she said.


entheogenesis Lieutenant Commander Posts: 7 (2/9/04 10:14 pm) Reply 
Re: Newspaper Articles on Yogananda ----------------------------------
[Newspaper clipping from another Los Angeles newspaper.]

Wednesday, October 25th, 1939


Even the benign and almost imperturbable calm of a swami has its 
limits. Last night as Swami Yogananda returned here to find himself 
facing a $500,000 damage suit filed by Rihad Ranjan Chowdhury [Sri 
Nerode], who claims a partnership in this Mount Washington cult of 
Self Realization headed by the swami, that limit was reached.

The dirty chiseler, the swami exploded. The Hindu mystic who returned 
here from a lecture engagement in San Diego where he had expounded 
the benefits of self denial and self control, regained some of his 
composure and went on.

The charges made against me are scurrilous and without foundation, 
the result of an underhand attempt to discredit me in the eyes of my 
followers, he said.

Chowdhury had been driven out of the flock because he was insincere 
and because he violated our rules. He married a white woman, which is 
directly forbidden in our laws.

In his suit however, Chowdhury makes it clear he wants to dissolve 
the partnership because, he said, the swami isn't exactly practicing 
what he preaches.

He alleged that in a luxurious suite on the third floor of the Temple 
of Self Realization, the swami keeps himself surrounded by a bevy of 
likable young ladies who have free access to his boudoir at all times-
--but aren't allowed to go out with other men at all.

Furthermore, while his flock exists dutifully on substandard diets in 
line with the self denial theory---the swami dines on the most 
luxurious foods, he charged.

Chowdhury said sadly that he wants no more partnership with 
Yogananda, and wants the $500,000 as compensation for the work he has 
put into the movement.

A. Brigham Rose, attorney for the swami, said he would go into court 
today and ask to have the sensational charges stricken from the 

Angel c. Jonathan Earl Bowser  

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