In this age of computers, internet, cyber-sex and harmonic
resonance, an age in which a male can be transformed to a super woman and women
are choosing to be men.  An age where
self expression has changed to include all kinds of activities once un heard of
, or less than frequent, painted bodies, sculptured muscles, chiseled faces, 
penises and painted shaved and buttoned pussies. 


The hoppers are hopping, in the dance for the trance world
peace.   New aged kings called Rajas, and
wars that are fought to show the ridiculousness of war; and the importance of
selecting Presidents with consciousness.   A time when we have seen 
from experience that
we must be conscious, when we use our consciousness, to select the ones who
have to have the awareness, to make the right decisions for the right reasons
and always put our collective interest, before their own pockets, friends, 
and or Daddy’s.


As Americans we seem to be very good at sleeping or phasing
out what we do not want to be.   The
Patriot ACT, the President’s right to attack without the approval of congress. 
you opened a bank account in Europe Lately???? 

Your action, our actions must be reported, it is the bank’s
obligation to this nation.   George Bush
has made it so that some banks do not even want to open accounts for Americans.


In this age we have African American CEOs of fortune 100
companies and multimedia billionaires, governors, senators, physicist, mayors
who fight hurricanes, and be damned floods, when we have children learning to
levitate and meditate and the value of dancing slow.   The Guru teams 
have grown and transcended
time and space and there is vedic everything including but not limited to vedic
cow manure. .  In this day and age maybe
just maybe being a war hero is not enough to make one President??????


Maybe the idea of God being a white guy who lives in the sky,
with a long haired blond woman, and legions of white saints and angels, at his
beckon call to witness the birth of his only son and call him Jesus the white
guy born in his father’s image and likeness in Africa  has come to be seen 
as just plain old
bullshit.   Maybe in today’s world we
know that God is also the monkey, that God is the tree, the river, the sun, the
moon the galaxies, that God is beyond color God is beyond sex that we are beyond


Osho said that love knows no sex.  He said as long as you think in terms 
of sex
you do not know love.   Said that karma
can take you anywhere to be with anyone yet your mind classifies. 
  Your mind says I can not love a man, in the
way I can only love a woman.  We created
titles and labels that gave easy understanding and allowed for simple
prejudice.  So we used words like evil,
devil, fag, homo, lesbo, carpet muncher, playing in the mud and bitches and all
kinds of words that give easy 4th grade understanding to difference.
 The man said difference, only exist with
separation.  In separation you do not
have love.  

  In today’s world people are
loving not knowing if tomorrow they will wake up and feel the same way as to
day, young people are choosing to work through their Karmas and to love today
and love tomorrow but to choose the who and how moment by moment.   I 
am still old school but in the new schools
homo today and married with children tomorrow. 
One I name you I have killed you because I can not take your power away in
love.   Once I see you as an object they you are dead.  I have 
just take my gun and POW…   To our
government of old and confused men we are all just numbers and states red state
blue states therefore we do not exist we are DEAD……….


A soul mate has not sex.  
Yet love is pure not guided collided but pure I love you because you are
you, not because of what sex you are or are not.   Evolution, Evo lu 
tion conscious evolution
is a moment to moment second by second choice.   Breathing, being 
excited and vivacious people
today are more alive than ever before. Yet we have to question if the control
juice really is the coolade.

Think about it, you like freedom, you like speech, you like
the golden, you love being able to say what you choose.  So why choose to 
have more liberties taken,
fewer rights given and more of the same for 100s of years?   


Today we need youth, we need a President who reflects the
consciousness of the people he represents.  
We talk about saving this world for our children and then vote for the
same system that got us to where we are today.  How can you even think for 
one minute about
McCain, or anyone else that represents the old great America?  It is not 
just a question of Iraq, it is a
question of our right to exist.  Our
right to live where we want to live, our right to evolve in the way we choose. 
 Our freedom of choice, choice to love, choice
to feel ,choice to express these rights are being taken away and will continue
as long as we continue to vote for the Bush agenda.


4000 Americans were killed so they could give you the
Patriot Act, build a missile defense system attack Afghanistan,
invade Iraq
and detain persons for as long as desired without rhyme or reason. 
  The US Government gained the right to block
your money as long as they please without any real reason.   The 
right to invade your home your privacy
and even take it all away without any real reason, you aught to feel lucky you
can still talk on your telephone.   Now
they don’t even have to let you know.  


If you remember all of this how can you even think of a third
Bush term?  How can you think of A
President who has no objective, a guy who didn’t have any answers until the
young one gave, them and then he McCain, and his advisors formed a 
strategy.  He is playing Parrot politics.     A 
president that can end up with Alzheimer’s
before he completes his first term, is not what America needs or wants.  


I am banking on the young mind to take the challenge and
vote YE WE CAN………




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