
Paramhansa Nityananda On Om
Avadhuta Nityananda Paramhansa was a great Master of the nineteenth 
and twentieth centuries, and the most renowned Pranava yogi of our 
times. His Nitya Sutras contain some of the most profound statements 
on the Pranava and Its application by the yogi. 

Unite meditation, mind, and faith through the subtle Bindu, merge, 
and attain oneness. (12) 

Following the path of discrimination, let the pure mind be firmly 
fixed in Om. (12) 

The source of liberation is Shiva. The linga in the head is Shiva. It 
is all Om. (13) 

Bhakti and mukti, devotion and liberation, are one: become one with 
Omkar: the power of Om. (21) 

Where the sound of Om is experienced there is no ignorance. (46) 

Kundalini shakti and the sushumna are Om. Realize and know the 
subtle. (47) 

Omkar is One, the universal force. In Om is the creation and the 
dissolution of creation. In Om is the dissolution of mind. Omkar is 
the atman, the eternal self in you. Om is indivisible. (87) 

All is He, the One pervading all, the One beyond all qualities. He is 
One, He is Om. (88) 

All things are forms of Omkar. Omkar is the divine in them, Omkar is 
the subtle bindu. As the vital air [prana] Omkar pervades all things, 
inner and outer. (89) 

God manifests in the form of peace. Om is the form of peace. (90) 

Omkar pervades the entire universe, Pranava pervades the form. Om has 
neither form nor shape. (91) 

The Shiva in the heart is steady, is One, is Omkar. Omkar united with 
forms is Pranava. Omkar is the disassociation of the bodily 
awareness. (93) 

Omkar is all-pervading; like the dawn of the sun, Omkar is the 
witness of all things. Omkar is the most awesome of [divine] forms, 
Omkar is fire [agni]. There is nothing greater than fire, all is fire 
both within and without. (94) 

The Omkar vibrates like a storm in the sky. It has neither beginning 
nor end. It is the stage manager of the divine drama. The body of man 
is a string of Om, it is filled with Om. All that is, inside us, 
outside us, everywhere, is born of Om. It is present in everything. 
The Shakti that is the Omkar is not finite, It is infinite and 
indivisible. It exists in all creatures. Pranava is Om. When Om 
unites with prana and moves in the body, this is Pranava. When nature 
and the subtle are separate, it is Pranava; when both are felt to be 
one, there is the Oneness: Om. Om is seen everywhere. The Shakti that 
is Om fills and penetrates the universe, It is formless, It is the 
light in all directions. (95) 

The energy of the Omkar is like an infinite ocean, It moves in all 
directions, It pervades all, both inside and outside. In the form of 
buddhi It becomes creation, preservation, dissolution; It becomes 
soundless. The unstruck sound merges in buddhi. Buddhi dissolves in 
the Omkar, all merge and become one. Om and reason, the world and 
buddhi, the world and Om merge into the heart-sky, the heart-sky 
merges in buddhi, buddhi into akasha, akasha and buddhi into Omkar, 
the imperishable and the buddhi merge. (96) 

Truth is not a religion, Truth cannot be taught. You must discover it 
in your own self, and then let it expand in Om.Â…Let Shiva and Shakti 
unite with Om. (96) 

The highest yoga is eternal bliss, the all-pervading Om, Pranava, the 
Universal Teacher, is eternal bliss. (114) 

Om is All: the creator of the universe, the granter of peace. Let 
your devotion be steady in this creator, this giver of peace; this is 
the best devotion. (120) 

The breath of Omkar should be inside you, then there is purity. (124) 

Om is the City of Peace, the form of Peace. Give respect and 
gratitude to Om. (151) 

Use your mind to get knowledge and then unite with peace, finally 
become one with Omkar. (154) 

Devotion, reflection, power, all three merge and become Om. The ego 
melts into the Omkar like camphor melts in fire. (160) 

The Omkar should be drawn inside with the breath like water is drawn 
up from a well. And like the pot is let down into the well for a 
fresh fill, so the exhalation should be released with Om. (161) 

The sound of Om itself constitutes the Vedas. It is the light of 
divine wisdom, the fire of intuition. (163) 

All-penetrating Om is the all-penetrating Pranava. (175) 

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