my responses are the exact karma for you.

don't talk to me about the WTC, where my friends died. others are 
seeking revenge on tough guys

--- In, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "danfriedman2002"
> <danfriedman2002@> wrote:
> >
> > Turq,
> > 
> > You still display those big balls. Why won't you let us 
> > know where you are.
> I replied to your second clueless asking of 
> where I lived in email, so as not to have to
> waste a post. But I see that the inner nature
> of cluelessness demands a public revelation
> of its existence.
> You haven't been paying attention, Dan. Another
> poster replied to your question before I could
> get to it, and told you where I live. 
> I would say that the fact that you missed it 
> says more about you than I ever could. YOU
> And you expect people to react with "respect"
> Learn from this, Dan. I tried to do it in email
> so as not to embarrass you further in public
> by revealing your cluelessness and tendency not
> to actually READ the replies, but you force me.
> Now, that out of the way, I currently live in
> Sitges, Spain. It's a lovely little beach town
> about 30 kilometers south of Barcelona. I love
> it here. I can walk alone at any time of day or
> night and never have to worry about crime or
> anything bad happening to me. Can you say the
> same of Harlem?
> > I was in the WTC. You suck
> So were about 40 of my friends. All survived.
> If all you saw in my rap was "9/11 victim 
> bashing," you're further gone than the 
> hijackers were.
> > --- In, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> 
> > >
> > > One of the things I found most fascinating in the
> > > days following the attack on the WTC was the dis-
> > > covery, in the baggage of one of the hijackers, of
> > > a "terrorist manual" he had on his possession and 
> > > read from in the days leading up to the event.
> > > 
> > > I don't remember too many of the details, but the
> > > one thing that stuck in my mind that there was an
> > > instruction for what the hijackers were to do as
> > > they started to take over the planes. They were
> > > to stand up and yell out a certain phrase from the 
> > > Koran (sorry, I don't remember what it was), and 
> > > the supposed *effect* of this would be that all 
> > > of the people on the plane would be paralyzed by 
> > > Allah's holy words and be unable to resist.
> > > 
> > > Is that far out or what? I mean, my bet is that
> > > this guy leapt to his feet and shouted out, "Oooga
> > > booga Allah bestest oooga and kick your infidel
> > > ass big-time booga namah," and the people looking
> > > at him were thinking, "What the FUCK is WRONG
> > > with this guy?"
> > > 
> > > What was wrong with him was more than they could
> > > imagine, and that most of us could imagine.
> > > 
> > > Ok (and I know that this is a bit of a stretch),
> > > now relate this hijacker's idea of the paralyzing
> > > power of words he's been taught to shout out to 
> > > the ancient and powerful mantra used again recently
> > > on this forum by Dan, "Maharishisez." (In actuality,
> > > Dan used the acronym, "M says," but it's really
> > > the same mantra.)
> > > 
> > > And, as far as I can tell, his intent was the same
> > > as the hijacker's. Saying "Maharishisez" was sup-
> > > posed to *close the deal*, to paralyze the person
> > > he was speaking to into silence, to "trump" the
> > > heretical things being said, and to establish the
> > > words that followed "Maharishisez" as The Truth.
> > > In short, to end the discussion and have the last
> > > word. It's what people on the Internet tend to 
> > > call a "thought stopper."
> > > 
> > > And it didn't work. No more than it did for the
> > > hijackers. The ONLY people these "holy words" work
> > > on is the people who have bought into them. They
> > > are the only ones who believe that what follows
> > > "Maharishisez" are The Truth, and that invoking
> > > the mantra "Maharishisez" will stop the heretical
> > > discussion in its tracks. 
> > > 
> > > These days, if someone on a plane stood up and
> > > started shouting "Oooga booga Allah bestest oooga 
> > > and kick your infidel ass big-time booga namah,"
> > > five or six passengers seated near him would
> > > tackle his crazy ass in a heartbeat. We've learned
> > > what that particular mantra means, and that when
> > > someone utters it, they're up to no good.
> > > 
> > > Similarly, when someone on Fairfield Life tries to
> > > shout the holy mantra "Maharishisez" to establish
> > > The Truth and silence heresy...well...he's gonna
> > > get tackled by a few people.
> > >
> >

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