---Thx for posting this - most interesting! (especially in view of the behavior of such Sant Mat Gurus as Thakar Singh. He blames his deviant behavior on the Kal Power): [from a David C. Lane website]:
The Way of a Sexually Deviant Guru: Legitimizing Contradiction Perhaps the one greatest obstacle confronting Thakar Singh's claim as the true successor to Kirpal Singh was Thakar himself. Unlike other gurus in his tradition, Thakar Singh's moral life has been thoroughly scrutinized and found wanting. Indeed, it has been well documented by a variety of sources--both within and outside the movement--that Thakar Singh has embezzled money, engaged in illicit sexual relations with a number of western female disciples, and conducted violent exorcisms on several devotees. In an unprecedented move to clear the matter up, Thakar admitted to some of the charges claiming that "These devils had been working very strongly on my lower self including body and mind and also had been creating great disturbances in the Sangat in all parts of the world. The women problem is also a result of temptation of these devils on my pure Self and in this respect could succeed to some extend [sic: extent]." But it did not squelch the criticism which eventually resulted in a large exodus from his movement, including the resignation of his chief representative, Bernadine Chard, of northern California. In wake of the scandal and the lawsuits between Darshan Singh's group and Madam Hardevi's, Thakar Singh lost the property rights to Sawan Ashram and had to give up his residence there. He is continuing to act as a guru, but his original core following has dwindled drastically. W.V. Rohr, a former devotee in Germany, sent out an international circular against Thakar Singh. His letter partially outlines the impact of the scandal: That man [Thakar Singh], to whom I looked up during the past 7 years as spiritual Master and "Guru", has admitted that he is not above mind and matter, above "negativity" and mental temptations. I cannot keep quiet the truth, as others seem they can. . . New facts concerning unholy activities on the level of sexual contacts as well as disappearances of Manav Kendra funds and donations by satsangis have come in the meantime. My personal consequence is: 1. I withdraw totally from any and all Satsang and Sangat activities whatsoever; 2. will not visit satsangs, where his words are displayed; 3. do not look upon him as "spiritual Master" or "Sant Sat Guru" in the line of Sant Kirpal Singh; 4. have requested [of] him [Thakar Singh] full report and refund of funds cashed in under use of "catastrophe"; 5. will continue sincerely with Light and Sound meditation and also Simran, as he is a Kirpal initiate and help and guidance is prayed for from Kirpal--until a truly spiritually and morally clean Master has been found, who is truly working in Kirpals [sic] name and with His order. Although the first expose of Thakar Singh occurred publically in 1984, it was not until 1988 that the media in the United States got wind of Thakar's sordid past. During this time several women who claimed to have been abused by the guru came out with personal statements, describing in vivid detail Thakar's predilection for sexual deviance. In light of Sant mat succession, what makes Thakar's fall from grace significant is that he did not resign, nor did the majority of his disciples quit the movement. In fact, a number of devotees justified Thakar Singh's unusual actions. It is this process of justification which we will want to examine in depth; however, before we do that we need to closely examine the ways by which Thakar Singh strayed from orthodox Sant mat principles In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Special claims of Sant Mat-The disciple is told that Kal, (Satan) the > negative power > stood on one leg for millions of years in order to get > a "boon" from Anami Radhasoami (the highest > creator). Because of the unbelievably admirable > austerity performed by Kal Anami gave him "pure souls" > who were living in the highest region in order > that Kal could "animate" his otherwise inanimate > creation. > > These souls became locked and trapped in the > creation owing to the laws of Karma. Originally, > one ninth or one tenth of the souls who were > residing with Anami Radhasoami did not want to leave and > go down to Kals Creation; however the supreme > being was under such an obligation to Kal that they > had to go anyway. But the supreme being made a > promise to them that He, himself, would take birth and in > human form He would grant them initiation and teach > them how to return to their "True Home". Those > special souls would be called "Marked Souls", since > they were "marked" by the Father for return to their > spiritual home. No other souls had this possibility, > but were eternally doomed to traverse the cycle > of 8 million 400 thousand species of life. > The fact that the initiate was now receiving > initiation meant that the Perfect Master (who was the > incarnation of god himself) had "called" him and was > proof that the initiate was a "Marked Soul". He would > now be able to return to the highest Spiritual > Regions in no more than four lifetimes. The Master > would "take over" all of his karmas and manage them > so as to speed up the disciples journey. Now > anything that happeded to the disciple was with the > Master's permission, since Kal (the Devil) no longer had control > over the disciple...... > > > > Everything that happens to > you in your life from now on will be with HIS > permission, and it will be given to you in your best > interest. This means that you will condition yourself > to think that every illness that you experience > will be the Master, himself, allowing some > evil cosmic power to "burn" off your karma, every success > will be "given to you" not because you applied > yourself to a task competently, but because "Master" > was giving you "His Grace"....it gets more and more bizarre! >