This was a first person account told by me, Ken Hassman, who was one
of the two people this woman, who had just come from Bevans office,
told what happened. I forgot to ask her for permission to make a
videotape of her telling us this story but I'll try to remember that
next time someone tells me something directly. 


--- In, "guyfawkes91" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > This was many years ago but it pertains directly to Bevan and this
> > topic at hand. 
> > 
> > It was at MIU and Bevan was around a lot. I was sitting with a good
> > friend when a woman friend of his and an acquaintance of mine, a
> > well-placed well thought of woman came over to sit with us and she was
> > really dazed/spaced out. She said she had received a summons to setup
> > an appointment to see Bevan and she just naturally assumed it was
> > something administrative. She went to the appointment, entered his
> > office, sat down, expecting nothing of what was about to be proposed. 
> > 
> > She said that in a very businesslike and even apologetic manner, Bevan
> > told her he was in an odd position in that he was working all the
> > time, did not have any time at all to cultivate relationships and was
> > wondering if she would have sex with him. 
> > 
> > I don't remember how she said she excused herself from his office but
> > she was really very discombobulated from the shock of it. She did not
> > become one of his occasional consorts. This was apparently his main
> > method, at least at that time, of finding occasional sex partners. 
> > 
> > Ken
> Mmmmmm, well I laughed a lot about this one, and the comment thread
> was very funny as well, and then thought about it for a while and
> decided that actually it reads like someone has been having problems
> telling dreams from reality. It sounds so much like a dream sequence
> that I very much doubt it's true. There are a lot of these rumors
> running around and it's always "I know someone who knew someone else
> who heard that ...". Unless I have reliable independent corroboration
> I'll not believe it.

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