> > > That worked out really well.
> > > Look at what has happened the schools;
> > > Meditation could have saved many kids in school from
> > the chaos the 
> > > schools have become.
> > > But, that's the way it goes...
> > 
> > Thanks for posting this. 
> > If only 10% of all of Maharishis strong suggestions for
> > implementing 
> > Vedic Science in America had been implemented in that
> > country, it would 
> > face a very different karma than currently.
> You don't know that. Again you are confounding your wish with 
reality. You believe that such a thing would be so based on your huge 
investment in the dogma of the TMO. Nothing could ever prove the TMO 
wrong to you. Always an ad hoc explanation, always a rationalization 
to excuse the failure of the TMO to make good on its predictions or 
plans. I mean face it, Nabs, you believe in the fantasy of a perfect 
master who speaks through a very curious and idiosyncratic Englishman 
(and I'm being kind here). Why can't the alleged master speak for 
himself. Probably the first time in history a "master" speaks through 
someone else.
Well, there were some schools that were practicing TM at the time;
Which is why the whole thing was brought to court, by some fundie 
group on Cali...
It seemed to be helping a lot and everyone liked it- it calmed 
everything down, and gave the students something to pull things 
No one was required to learn; it was on a voluteer basis.
It was tried in wealthy areas, middle areas, and depressed areas.
Worked in every situation.
Anyone who doesn't think TM would help in the schools is fool.
All it takes is to look at the present situation, and the collapse of 
the educational system, that what they are doing now, surely isn't 
working too well.
We live in a foolish society in so many ways...

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