If women are not covered in traditional style, there will be a 'Saudi
guy, from the deserts of Saudi Arabia...
He has been hired by the TMO...
so, you ladies be very careful, you don't get 'wacked',
If you come to this 'celebration', dressed in 'improper gear'...

Now, there will be a 'black cube' symbolic of darkness, of absence of
And we will be going into some kind of 'frenzy',
twisting and turning around in a negative, conterclockwise direction...
In praise of who knows what?

The bombers and gun slingers, wait for the call.
We hope it doesn't come.
We are hopeful that the call to arms doesn't come.

There are so many more important things in this world, then would appear.
No wonder Maharishi says, 'Guru is Everything'.
Just think when Bramhacharya Mahesh went to be with Guru Dev.
The one who radiated a type of silence.
that would make one's in his presence, kind of 'spacial'...

Now, during this same period, when Bramhacharya Mahesh was with Guru Dev.
On the other side of the world.
People were raping and murdering other's...
For no apparent reason at all.

Jewish people escaping the demonic currents in Europe,
Were denied access to the United States, for refuge.

Some people in the United States actually supported this:
'Attempted Demonic Take-Over of This World'...

My own father, who passed away few months ago,
Well, he fought in that war,
In Patton's army, mostly in the snows of Czech Republic.
It was hard, it was dirty work.
He came home feeling proud, he and they had 'Won the War'.
The voted Ike in.
A German General, a United States President.
Eisenhower, who demanded the people 'witnessed' what humanity had done
to itself.
The ugliness of it all.
His stomach was stronger than most.
Patton puked up, and could not be there, 
In the camps, the death camps.
Eisenhower- A great man.

Now, why make fun of Marshy?
That is a silly thing, if you ask me...
He was just this 'little guy', with a big heart.

The choices he made in his life...
Brought him great satisfaction(unlike Mick)...
Anyway...Praise Jesus... for the little guy....

Jai Guru Dev
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,
On the 1st Anniversary of Mahasamadhi, July, 2008.

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