I actually think the crop circles have something to do with the earth 
itself attemting to communicate to us...
Perhaps through magnetic type fields or some field effect we do not 
know of as of yet.
I don't think it has much to do with outer-space;
Although, for the sci-fi fans, it would seem obvious that the 
interpretation would abstract to a 'Star Trek' theme...

Perhaps if you buy a ticket on 'Priceline', you could rent a room 
with the Ashtar Command.
I heard a they are selling tickets to ride the space shuttle?

Anyway, the earth, she speaks to us in many ways.
And her magnetic fields are a changin' ...
Just like the 'Times they are a Changin'...

"So, you better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone"

I  wouldn't hold my breath for Astar to give you a ride...

> >>> Across the street from 2nd St Cafe, upstairs of the Istanbul
> >>> Grill. It is open 12-2pm and 7-8.30pm Mon- Saturday. It houses
> >>> Marlene Stanley's exhibition of Crop Circle pictures and
> >>> posters which she showed at Americus Diamond last year.
> > Why don't the crop circle makers make beautiful circles and sign
> > them, "Compliments of the Pleidians", or "Brought to you by the 
> > Command", and give a toll free number -  1-800-MAKE-CROP
> But if they had some poor spellers, and instead wrote
> 1-800-MAKE-CRAP,     there could be some serious
> trouble with the Pleidians, and it looks like Lou's got
> enough to handle without that.
> Sal

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