Published: July 29, 2006
WASHINGTON, July 28 — Two summers ago, on a Congressional trip to 
Estonia, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton astonished her traveling 
companions by suggesting that the group do what one does in the 
Baltics: hold a vodka-drinking contest.

Also in the Guide The Race for the U.S. House Governors' Races 
Delighted, the leader of the delegation, Senator John McCain, quickly 
agreed. The after-dinner drinks went so well — memories are a bit 
hazy on who drank how much — that Mr. McCain, an Arizona Republican, 
later told people how unexpectedly engaging he found Mrs. Clinton to 
be. "One of the guys" was the way he described Mrs. Clinton, a New 
York Democrat, to some Republican colleagues. 

Mrs. Clinton and Mr. McCain went on to develop an amiable if 
professionally calculated relationship. They took more official trips 
together, including to Iraq. They worked together on the Senate Armed 
Services Committee and on the issue of global warming. They made a 
joint appearance last year on "Meet the Press," interacting so 
congenially that the moderator, Tim Russert, joked about their 
forming a "fusion ticket."

Politics being what it is, there is more friction than fusion. As the 
2008 presidential campaign begins to take shape, with Mr. McCain and 
Mrs. Clinton at the top of the polls for their parties' nominations, 
they are increasingly underscoring their differences on issues like 
the war in Iraq and port security. Advisers to Mr. McCain have put a 
stop to his inviting Mrs. Clinton on trips.

Whether their friendship is based on anything other than the respect 
of one political professional for another, or the opportunity to 
strike a tone of bipartisanship for public consumption, is unclear. 
But the interplay between the two senators, both well known and both 
with compelling personal narratives and a knack for infuriating their 
own parties' bases, could determine the tone of the 2008 presidential 
race and make it less personally vicious than the last two campaigns. 

Of course, Mr. McCain and Mrs. Clinton are a long way from facing off 
for the presidency. Neither has even officially announced a 
candidacy, and both would still have to endure a primary season that 
is shaping up to be intense. Neither would probably be the other's 
first choice as a rival; both would no doubt prefer to run against 
someone less skilled in blurring ideological lines.

Still, members of both parties are already speculating about what a 
McCain-Clinton race would be like. 

"If they get through a primary election, they would be polar 
opposites on policy," said Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina 
Republican and a close ally of Mr. McCain who has traveled with both 
senators. "On the major issues, it'd be a fairly clear choice. But I 
believe that the personal relationship hopefully could survive the 
political process." 

Harking to the days when a Republican president and a Democratic 
speaker of the House were friends, Mr. Graham said, "Ronald Reagan 
and Tip O'Neill, at the end of the day, would go down to the White 
House and knock one back, and the country was no worse off for that."

Rarely is it the case that likely presidential contenders are able to 
play off each other so much. Two modern races, in 1992 and 2000, 
pitted governors against Washington insiders, the candidates barely 
acquaintances. George W. Bush, then the governor of Texas, recalled 
having met Vice President Al Gore only a few times before they 
debated onstage in 2000.

Four years later, despite their overlapping years at Yale and their 
work just down Pennsylvania Avenue from each other, President Bush 
and Senator John Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts, made contact 
almost entirely over the airwaves.

This time, with so many senators thinking about running, the 
primaries and potentially the general election could find the 
candidates squaring off against colleagues who are operating in close 
proximity. Mr. Kerry served in Vietnam around the same time as Mr. 
McCain, who defended him against Republican attacks during the 2004 
race. Senator Russell D. Feingold, Democrat of Wisconsin, devised a 
landmark campaign-finance bill with Mr. McCain (and has since 
traveled with him and with Mrs. Clinton). 

Mrs. Clinton and Mr. McCain, however, share not just a title, but 
also a general approach to politics. Both strive to be seen as 
willing to break with ideological orthodoxy from time to time and to 
work across the aisle. Both emerged from nasty political battles — 
Whitewater and her husband's impeachment in her case, the 2000 
Republican primaries in his — declaring their hatred of the "politics 
of personal destruction," as former President Bill Clinton called it.

"They would run a completely different campaign than we've seen in 
recent memory," said Marshall Wittman, a former aide to Mr. McCain 
who has worked with Mrs. Clinton.

"Both of them realize there is a desire in the country for a 
different politics of national unity that transcends the current 
polarization," Mr. Wittman said. 

At the same time, both have endured serious presidential campaigns 
before and market themselves as independent power brokers within 
their parties.

"That's their great commonality," Mr. Wittman said. "Obviously, if 
they faced each other in a general, they would emphasize their 

A friendly relationship, or just the appearance of one, brings risks 
and advantages to both, although political strategists agreed it was 
wise for Mr. McCain to distance himself from Mrs. Clinton. (One 
reason is that Republicans said they could imagine a photograph of 
Mr. McCain with Mrs. Clinton, considered one of the most polarizing 
Democrats in politics, being used in a negative ad during a 
Republican primary.) Mr. McCain is also weakest among conservative 
Republicans, who dislike his willingness to take independent stands 
and work with Democrats.

Mrs. Clinton, by contrast, has been working to convince moderate 
voters that she is a centrist who can work across the aisle, a claim 
bolstered by Mr. McCain's tacit approval of her.

Both senators are accustomed to being sought out by other politicians 
hoping to burnish their own images. What makes their rapport 
different, advisers said, is that Mrs. Clinton and Mr. McCain are 
essentially of equal stature. 

During their Estonia trip — also attended by Mr. Graham and Senators 
John E. Sununu, Republican of New Hampshire, and Susan Collins, 
Republican of Maine — Mr. McCain and Mrs. Clinton were the ones 
recognized as they walked through the streets of the capital, 

It was during their joint trip to Iraq in late February 2005 that Mr. 
McCain and Mrs. Clinton appeared via satellite on "Meet the Press," 
an appearance that put their civility on display. When Mr. Russert 
asked Mr. McCain at the end of the interview whether he thought Mrs. 
Clinton would make a good president, Mrs. Clinton came to his rescue, 
saying: "Oh, we can't hear you, Tim!"

"Yeah, you're breaking up," Mr. McCain added, laughing. But then he 
said: "I happen to be a Republican and would support, obviously, a 
Republican nominee, but I have no doubt that Senator Clinton would 
make a good president."

Asked the same question about him, Mrs. Clinton replied without 
skipping a beat: "Absolutely."

Mr. McCain's advisers played down their relationship, saying he was 
friendly with a number of Democrats. "They underscore their 
differences every day," John Weaver, a political adviser to the 
senator, said of Mr. McCain and Mrs. Clinton. "That doesn't mean you 
treat each other less civilly."

Philippe Reines, a spokesman for Mrs. Clinton, said: "They are 
colleagues who have worked and traveled together on issues of 
interest to both, such as support for our military and global 
warming, and they agree to disagree on issues such as requiring 
greater scrutiny of foreign government ownership of our ports." 

But Mr. Reines said Mrs. Clinton's advisers had not noticed any 
recent changes in her relationship with Mr. McCain, and he declined 
to elaborate on the rounds of vodka.

"What happens in Estonia stays in Estonia," Mr. Reines said.

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