> ...except that Obama has flip-flopped on practically every issue now 
> that he has secured the nomination.
> Isn't that a form of lying?
Flip-Flop, Flip-Flop,
Was made popular by the Rove/Bush/Cheney machine;
In the infamous take of John Kerry, wind-sailing.

President Lincoln changed his mind on many occasions,
And once when questioned by a reporter, on how many times he had 
changed his mind, he said, 
Something about knowing more today, than I did yesterday;
And that he 'Didn't respect a man much, who thought exactly today, as 
he thought yesterday.
Lincoln was able to bring this country through a very crazy and brutal 
He had the same qualities as Senator Obama, a willingness to listen to 
all sides of an issue.
A flexibility to compromise, on order to move forward.
An openness to everyone taking part in government;
The people taking the power back,
>From the few, who have been manipulating the many.

So, forget about flip-flopping as lieing.
This is how much you've been brain-washed by Bush & Co.
Evolution requires openness and hearing all sides of an issure, 
intellectual understanding, an ability to lead through example and 
And a firm belief in the right of all people to be treated with 
respect and dignity.
And, to respect and uphold the Constitution.
The opposite in every way from Bush & Co/McCain & Co.

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