--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Barry,
> As we found last week...

"The only people entitled to refer to themselves as 
'we' are kings, editors, and people with tapeworms."
-- Mark Twain

>...you have the tendency to make assumptions
> without any evidence. For all of your accusations, you 
> need to point out what evidence do you have? You should 
> show the names, time, location and amount of money. Also, 
> you should indicate your sources.

With all due lack of respect, I don't need to do shit.

I merely stated things that would be obvious to anyone
who had spent any time in the TM movement and paid
attention. Sorry that you haven't.

If you don't like my opinions, present one of your own.
I have no need to defend mine.

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