--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunshine@>
> wrote:
> >
> > On Aug 23, 2008, at 3:01 AM, mainstream20016 wrote:
> > 
> > > Joe Biden is Obama's choice for VP.    Biden is the best choice  
> > > Obama could make - was my
> > > favorite.  Biden is confident, and not a scripted cut-out.  He'll  
> > > make verbal gaffes, yet the
> > > upside is that he connects with people, and is tough, but fair, in  
> > > his making his case.
> > 
> > Woo, hoo!  That's what I was hoping--great person, should
> > be the perfect complement to Barack.
> > 
> > Thanks for the info--I had forgotten to check when I got up.
> > 
> > Sal
> Bad choice for Obama,  Biden clearly has greater stage presence and
> will upstage Obama making him look like the boy he is! Also the edge
> Obama had on age is now non-existence since Biden himself is an old
> white guy at 66 years old....

5 years is a long time. Look at McCain during 2004, compared to now.

And... Biden is his VP candidate, chosen because he is strong leader potential
(unlike Dan Quayle) who is willing to speak his mind and keep Obama's potential
excesses in check with a more moderate, centrist stance (unlike Dan Quayle or
Dick CHeney).

One wonders who McCaine will pick? Anyone more moderate than he would
have to be pro-choice to some extent at least on the social issues dimension.

If he goes for a more radical Republican, he alienates the independents and 
moderates. If he goes for a moderatet Republican, he alienates the core Bush 
supporter camp, who still think Iraq was a good idea and that abortion = murder
so any incompetency issues with the Iraq War fiasco are more than compensated
for by attempts to stop the 3 million infant-murders per year in this country.


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