Thanks for the photo site!  I'm reading The Slave's War, the Civil War
in the Words of Former Slaves right now.  I think the older I get the
more history interests me.

--- In, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just wasted a perfectly good hour on this blog featuring old high-
> resolution photos, from Civil War days to the 1970s (most of the 
> photos are from the first half of the 20th century). The subjects of 
> the photos are a mixture, from very ordinary scenes of buildings and 
> stores, to people working or having fun, to posed glamour shots. Each 
> has a separate link to view the photo full-size to see the details. 
> The clarity of most of the photos is amazing.
> A few that struck me from the ones I went through:
> 1864. "Fredericksburg, Va. Soldiers filling canteens."
> 1920. "Oldsmobile Sales Co., Rock Creek Park."
> 1925. "Margaret Gorman with 'Long Goodie.'"
> 1912. "I could stay in Atlantic City forever." 
> England, 1940-41. "Battle of Britain. Children in an
> English bomb shelter." 
> My favorite so far:
> 1924. Ambushed by Angels.
> Some of the more mundane photos are absolutely
> stunning compositions:
> 1928. "Washington Sanitarium. Takoma Park, Maryland.
> Office of Inpatient Nurses."
> 1942. "Road out of Romney, West Virginia." 
> 1941. Bethlehem-Fairfield Shipyards, Baltimore.

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