authfriend wrote:
> But of course I never suggested the article I
> posted was representative of the typical left-wing
> voter. Obviously it isn't, as you'd have known if
> you had read it. It's *chiding* left-wing voters.
> I posted it in response to Chopra's article, which
> is characterized by the very derision for the
> working class that Crook was objecting to.
> Crook was pointing out that the reason these people
> don't seem to vote in their own self-interest,
> which should be with the Democrats, is because the
> party elite--the "creative class" that supports
> Obama--is constantly spitting on them, just as
> Chopra, a member of the "creative class," spat on
> Palin, just as you and Bhairitu and Barry and far
> too many others here spit on Palin and the working
> class.
Maybe that's because the working class (not all  of them) have been 
purposely dumbed down to the extent that they feel it is cool to be 
stupid.  You don't know how many times I've seen some of these people do 
consciously stupid things and use as an excuse that they're stupid 
rather than wising up.  Being stupid has been made popular particularly 
by the MSM and their TV shows.  Some of us may watch the same shows and 
laugh at them as ridicule of stupid people while the dumbed down believe 
the same show is championing their behavior.  I don't believe the 
Democrats should dumb down their campaign but maybe they shouldn't make 
a doctorate degree necessary to understand what they're saying.  But I 
have not heard any of the latter from them.

I have compassion for the mentally retarded but not much patience for 
those who practice lazy mindedness.  Do you?

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