Spain has a *lot* of Fiestas. And, since I think 
that providing excuses to party down is a Good
Thing in a culture, this once-a-month major 
Fiesta thing really fits well into my lifestyle.

This particular Fiesta is supposedly the Catalan
party-down long weekend of the year, and as such
"feels" a little different than previous Fiestas
this summer. Most of the rest of them were orig-
inally religious in nature, and thus still have
a slightly stodgy feel to them. This one feels
more like, "We're Catalan and we're still here
after centuries of barbarians trying to make us
fit into their culture and give up our own, and 
this is our weekend to party. Be warned."

For some odd cosmic reason, English tourists of
the gay persuasion seem to feel a solidarity 
with this Catalan joie de vivre, because the 
town is just *full* of them this weekend. But
it's also full of English tourists of the straight
female persuasion, so I'm not complaining. I'm
wearing my gaudiest Tommy Bahama shirt while 
sitting here at the Budda Bar typing away, and 
I've been getting a lot of interested glances 
anyway, more than usual. And from the women. Cool. 
Maybe this Fiesta attracts a higher class of 
tourist. Or a lonelier one. 

Whatever. It's a neat day, and the pheromone level 
in the air is so high it's probably testable, and
it promises to be a good party. 

I think healthy cultures *have* parties. One of 
the ways that I could tell that the TMO had gone
off the dharmic rails was that it stopped having
parties. They started having "celebrations" instead.
Deadly *serious* celebratoins, during which having
actual fun seemed to be Off The Program.

Call me an old hippie, but I *like* having fun. I
*like* getting together with my friends for no other
reason *than* to party and have fun. That seems to
me to echo the flow of dharma I feel in the universe.
I don't get the feeling that the universe "wants" 
me to take it all seriously, or myself seriously. If
the universe has a sentience of its own, I suspect
it wants me and all of its component sentient parts
to party down as often and as heartily as possible.
I think that the universe is one big party animal.

One thing you can say about the Rama - Frederic Lenz
guy was that he knew how to throw a party. He under-
stood the seriousness that spiritual seekers tended
to impose upon them selves, and he did his best to
alleviate that seriousness at regular intervals. We'd
fly to Maui and have a Gong Show on the beach while
drinking Mai-tais. We'd go on a hike to a power place
in the desert on the Fourth Of July and be served ice
cream cones, secretly carried out in their backpacks 
by him and a few trusted souls, packed in dry ice. 
We'd go en masse to movies, or to concerts by Tangerine 
Dream, and afterwards basically take over the nearest 
restaurant and party till dawn.

I think parties play an important part in the life of
a spiritual seeker. There have got to be situations
in which you are allowed and encouraged to "let your
hair down" and just be your self. Drop the roles you
have imposed upon yourself as you pursue your sadhana
and just have FUN for a while. Tomorrow you can go
back to being all serious, if you have to. But maybe
you won't feel you have to.

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