One ignoramus being judgmental about another ignoramus.
How edifying.

--- In, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Interview for Philly Magazine:
> Excerpt:
> VICTOR FIORILLO: Okay, last question. I'm sure you've seen all the
> comparisons in the media and among Republicans of Sarah Palin to
> Wonder Woman. How do you feel about that?
> LYNDA CARTER: Don't get me started. She's the anti-Wonder
> Woman. She's judgmental and dictatorial, telling people how
> they've got to live their lives. And a superior religious
> self-righteousness … that's just not what Wonder Woman is
> about.

Love to see Carter quote Palin telling people how
they've got to live their lives, or being religiously



 Hillary Clinton is a lot more like
> Wonder Woman than Mrs. Palin. She did it all, didn't she?
> No one has the right to dictate, particularly in this
> country, to force your own personal views upon the populace —
> religious views.

Actually, the only personal view she's shown the
slightest inclination of forcing on the populace--
at least that I've heard about--concerns abortion.
And guess what? That is *not* necessarily a
religious view.

On the other hand, if you are absolutely convinced
that abortion is murder, based on religious belief
or not, *of course* you're going to try to get it
banned, just as those of us who believe capital
punishment is murder are trying to get *it* banned.

> What I don't understand, honestly, is how anyone can even
> begin to say they know the mind of God. Who do they think
> they are? I think that's ridiculous. I know what God is
> in my life. Now I am sure that she's not all just that.
> But it's enough to me. It's enough for me to have a
> visceral reaction. And it makes me mad.

"I would never presume to know God's will or to speak
God's words."--Sarah Palin in her ABC interview

> It's really such a finite way of thinking about God to think
> that your measley little mind can know the mind of God. It's
> a very little God that way. I think that God's bigger. I don't
> presume to know his mind. Or her mind.

Or even what she's said, it would seem.

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