But I> do agree the volume of viral email smears on Palin in such a
short> span of time is one for the Guinness Book of Records.

Actually that record still stands.  It was the more than twenty
million emails I received and continue to receive from my republican
relatives concerning Obama being a secret Muslim who will hand our
country over to the terrorists as soon as he is elected.

Saying that Palin is not ready for this job is not a smear.  Were you
satisfied with her answers in her first interview with Gibson?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Rick, the forum moderator, has been sending
> > you photos of the Palin family by email? WTF?
> Rick, sorry for outing you. That was not my intention. In context, my
> post was about my brother and how this election has given me a better
> understanding of him. Rick helped bring his story into focus for me
> and that is the only reason I mentioned it. About my brother:
> "...Hillary's populous campaign made me aware, having lived in
> Fairfield's bubble for almost 30-years, of how out of touch I had
> become with my own working class roots. My brother isn't very
> educated, he is a Union man, bowls in tournaments, shoots pool,
> smokes, drinks beer, gets drunk, tells off color jokes, and takes care
> of a disabled wife. He is a devoted Democrat and proudly served in
> Vietnam. He loves our country. He is your typical "red neck." We don't
> talk much but the love is there.
> I get emails from him complaining about illegal aliens taking jobs,
> about 2nd amendment rights, about desecration of the flag, about
> soldiers serving in Iraq, and about school prayer. He is not a swing
> voter, but the Republicans are more than happy to address his concerns.
> Before Hillary's campaign I thought, "I'm an educated post graduate
> person, I have meditated for almost 40 years and know a lot about
> life." I now ask how can I judge myself to be more knowledgeable about
> life or to know better who deserves my vote than my red neck brother
> who never finished high school but whose life experiences I will never
> feel as he has."
> Although I agree with WillyTex for different reasons about the smears
> on Palin, I think he may have missed the substance of my post. But I
> do agree the volume of viral email smears on Palin in such a short
> span of time is one for the Guinness Book of Records. Keep it up guys
> and sink your candidate.

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