Sent: 9/18/2008  4:02:51 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Obama: Lucifer Is My  Homeboy

September 17, 2008Obama:  Lucifer Is My Homeboy 
By Ann Coulter  
_Share Your  Comments_ 

It's another election season,  so that means it's time for Democrats to start 
uttering wild  malapropisms about the Bible  to pretend they believe in God!  

In 2000, we had Al Gore inverting a Christian parable into  something nearly 
satanic. Defending his nutty ideas about the  Earth during one of the debates, 
Gore said: "In my faith  tradition, it's written in the book of Matthew, 
where your heart  is, there is your treasure also." And that, he said, is why 
should treasure the environment.  
(_Continued  Below_ (mip://07b8db08/default.html#jump) )

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First  of all, people who say "faith tradition" instead of "religion" are  
always phony-baloney, "Christmas and Easter"-type believers.  

Second, Jesus was making almost the exact opposite point,  saying: "Do not 
store up for yourselves treasures on  Earth," where there are moths, rust and 
thieves, but in heaven,  because, Jesus said, "where your treasure is, there 
your heart  will be also." 

I guess that's the kind of mix-up that can  happen when your theological 
adviser is Naomi Wolf.  

_Click here to continue reading Ann Coulter's  column_ 

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