Isn't it fascinating the level of grace and knowing 
what is important and what isn't that Hillary Clinton
brings to how she lives her life, as opposed to how
some loons who actually consider themselves her 
"supporters" bring to theirs?

Hillary, to her credit, can think outside the box of
her own anger and disappointment, whereas these idiots
who can't even disguise the hatred they have for Obama
and men in general can't get past that anger and 
consider even for a moment what might be better for 
the country and the world. 

My bet is that Hillary wouldn't piss on these insane 
bitches if see saw them on fire. And she'd be right
not to. 

Clinton Unveils New Pro-Obama Effort

MINNEAPOLIS — Hillary Rodham Clinton stepped up her efforts 
Friday to swing her supporters behind Democratic presidential 
candidate Barack Obama, her former rival for the nomination.

In an outreach dubbed "Hillary Sent Me," the New York senator 
invited her primary-season partisans to get involved directly 
in Obama's campaign and to donate to it. As part of that, she 
urged them to travel to a specific battleground state each 
weekend, beginning with New Hampshire on Sept. 27, when she 
will be campaigning for Obama in Michigan.

"Today I am asking all of you to stand up with me, to hit 
the road and spread the word that we must elect Barack Obama 
president and send a Democratic, filibuster-proof majority 
to Congress," Clinton told supporters in a conference call 
Friday. "This is a call to action, a must-do. We all have 
a role. And there is not a moment to lose."

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