This article inspired me to fantisize that in the last week of the 
campaign that the GOP spends 10s of millions airing a TV ad directed 
to women that superimposes Charlie Gibson -- and others -- asking 
Palin this question yet no one asking Obama.

If done properly, this would be an emotional button that would rile 
and anger the 52% share of the population that is female, thus 
tipping many over to the McCain side...

--- In, "raunchydog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Wall Street Journal 9/17/08 "There it was. Boom! First question out 
> the box from Charlie Gibson to Gov. Sarah Palin, using the "Q" word.
> The word that every actual or aspiring professional woman constantly
> asks herself: Am I qualified?
> Over my nearly 40-year career, I have addressed this topic in
> countless speeches, panels, roundtables, seminars, presentations and
> one-on-one counseling sessions with women of every age. Like all
> women, Sarah Palin knows this attitude exists. She took it in stride
> and nailed her response. 
> Women always want to know whether they should go to law school or
> business school, even though they already have advanced degrees. Too
> often, they aren't sure they are "qualified" to apply for or accept
> the position or run for the office, even though they may be head and
> shoulders more capable than any other candidate for the same job or
> position.
> It is not that we don't wantto assure qualified people are the ones
> who get the jobs. It is offensive for Charlie Gibson to ask that
> question of Sarah Palin only because neither he nor his colleagues 
> the "mainstream media" talking heads have ever posed that question 
> Barack Obama. 
> While the liberal media demanded to know how on earth Sen. John 
> would select someone of Sarah Palin's "qualifications" for the job
> that is "one heartbeat away from the presidency," they never 
> to ask the same question of the person whose heart would actually be
> beating in the Oval Office on Jan. 21, 2009.
> This is the very definition of sexism, according to the feminist
> mantra." read more

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