--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_esq@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Americans are recognizing that Obama is a phenomenon in 
> > > American politics. If there are many racists in the Democratic 
> > > Party, Obama wouldn't have gotten this far in the nominating 
> > > process.
> > > 
> > > IMO, there's a surging consciousness in the USA for a change 
> > > from the present Republican administration, and it just happens 
> > > to be Obama who is the best one among the Democrats to 
> > > challenge the Republicans.
> > 
> > Whether he succeeds or fails.
> > 
> > It's the clash of energies that is important.
> In other words, it's the fluctuation of the gunas, in vedic terms.

No, not at all. Energy -- and the universe composed
of it -- is far more interesting and complex than
the dumbed-down triumverate of energies postulated
by "Vedic" philosophers. 

You're falling for the good/evil dualistic dichotomy.
I'm talking about an energy signature which is neither
good nor evil on either side, because 1) such simplis-
tic distinctions don't exist, and because 2) all beings
are a complex *mix* of energies of all sorts.

It also has nothing to do with "evolution" and who
is more "evolved" or any simplistic horseshit like 
that. It's just that Obama's energy mix is more intelli-
gent than McCain's, by a long shot. That provides
people with an opportunity to see which energy they 
identify with more -- intelligence or idiocy. 

The fact that the polls (even though they are being
manipulated) are so close indicates that Americans 
are torn on this subject. 

> > > In short, Obama represents the culmination of the struggle 
> > > of the American people for life, liberty, and the pursuit 
> > > of happiness. Anything less is slavery and servitude in 
> > > more ways than one.
> > 
> > I could not agree more. And interestingly, isn't
> > it fascinating to see who on this forum literally
> > hates the man, no matter how much they try to
> > disguise it? And then you think of the number that
> > these people run here on a regular basis, and its 
> > intent.
> IMO, some people here are intentionally provoking controversy 
> for the sake of notoriety in the forum. 

Well, duh!  :-)

Seriously, John, sometimes you have a tendency to
state the obvious as if it were profound. 

> > Most of us can feel that intent, no matter how much
> > they try to disguise it. Without exception, the 
> > posters on this forum who dislike Obama intensely
> > are unhappy people, with a track record of trying
> > their damnedest to make other people as unhappy as
> > they are.
> Let's find out who they are by the response that you get.

You mean like a homosexual calling a straight guy a homo-
sexual and thinking that it's an insult?  :-)

THAT is what I'm talking about with regard to the clash
of energies. It's not a good vs. evil thang; it's an
intelligence vs. stupidity thang. No one who is the
least bit intelligent (or sane) is going to go around 
insulting other people by insinuating that they're 
*just like them*.

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