--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5tZc8oH--o

> Sheesh Shemp, you wouldn't know a good video if it bit you on the ass.  
> I've seen good videos done by the other side but this isn't one of 
> them.  It is an amateurish piece of crap.  The author flashes the text 
> up and off so quick you can barely read it.  When an article is
shown it 
> also appears in such a short amount of time you can't really see
what is 
> being presented.  And there is a lot of disinformation too.
> > What is incredible about it is, first and foremost, how powerful it 
> > is in the way it presents the facts and how it does it so clearly and 
> > forcefully...and only CONFIRMS my deepest suspicions about 
> > Barky Hussein. 
> >   
> It's propagandist crap.  Believe what you want though because we all 
> know it is "election year."
> > The other thing that is so incredible about it is that there are no 
> > moving images or even stock footage.  It appears to have been made by 
> > a complete amateur who made it from research done entirely on the web 
> > and then doing a lot of copying and pasting.  If so, then we can 
> > surmise that the cost of making this video to the creator of it 
> > was...ZERO!  And that is what is SO astonishing about it: it is as or 
> > even more powerful than anything a CBS or a Michael Moore or anyone 
> > with mucho moolah has done, yet one lone individual sitting in front 
> > of his computer has come up with it...and will, if I am right, have a 
> > HUGE impact on the election. 
> >   
> Doesn't take much to get your jollies going does it Shemp?  Well then 
> let me recommend a movie I went to see this afternoon:
> "Eagle Eye."  Absolutely the worst film I've seen all year long.  I was 
> hoping for something good and entertaining, a good thriller but this 
> film fell flat.  A great cast wasted on such an awful and unbelievable 
> story.  You really really have to suspend belief for this film to work 
> for you.  It borders more on fantasy than anything else.  My 
> recommendation: "skip it!"  Don't even bother to rent it and maybe if 
> you have nothing else to watch check out how bad it is on a up all
> movie (we need to bring back Mystery Theater 3000 for this one).
> > Well, they say that the internet is democratizing the world by making 
> > each and every person their own TV studio and newspaper publisher and 
> > this video is the very best proof of that! 
> >   
> Yup, even terrible productions can wind up on YouTube (and lots of
them do).

Another liberal that can't handle *inconvenient* facts. Hey if Obama
says the moon is made of cheese it must be made of cheese.

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