> There was no "insight" there, Robert. It was a
> random thought that had no connection to the
> points Anglachel was making.
Then please educate me, and many other's what the hell you are 
talking about...
What are the policies that Senator Obama supports that are against 
I thought he was campaigning for equal pay for equal work.
I thought he was campaigning for continued right for a woman to have 
an abortion for any reason.
I didn't think there was really much difference between the policies 
that Senator Obama offers, and the policies that Senator Clinton was 
campaigning for.

The point I was attempting to make, is that the whole shaming 
incident that happened with Bill's sexual misdeeds, were shouldered 
by his loving wife.
And that her popularity increased, when she was able to pull through 
that very embarrassing situation.
She did indeeed, 'Stand by her Man'...
And she went on, with this newly found popularity, to run and become 
Senator of New York.
The downfall came, in the election, when people felt that Senator 
Obama had the better message...Change, throw the bums out.
Change is what we need, yes?
The Clinton's represented the past, and then when Bill started down 
the road of getting 'White working class votes', and when people like 
Governor Ed Rendell stated, 'A black man can't win'...
And he started going to redneck towns and other racist communities, 
to pump out the votes there, and when he adopted Karl Rove tactics, 
many turned against the Clinton campaign, because it started to feel 
squirmy, and deceptive.
So, please educate me, on one thing that Senator Obama is supporting 
that differs from what Senator Clinton wants.
I know you can say, that you've gone through this before, and you 
don't want to say anything more about, but that is not an answer.
To me, it just seems like you're trolling the internet to try to find 
reasons to justify your postion, even if there's no point really 
being made there...just a bunch of anger and  resentment, that your 
savior girl did not win.

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