Robert wrote:
> Well, that only happened because he was in San Fransisco...
> When he was speaking with a group and gays and lezzy's.
Maybe you should stop with the pandering, Robert, 
I already told you I'm not gay. The rest of your
sexist nonsense doesn't even deserve a reply. Maybe
you should go back and read some of the messages that
talk about elitism.

> (Snip)
> xxx willytex@> wrote:
>  "Obama almost lost the primaries when 
> > Hillary Clinton discovered his elitism 
> > and turned herself into a beer-chugging 
> > Rosie the Riveter"...
> (snip)
> Well, that only happened because he was in San Fransisco...
> When he was speaking with a group and gays and lezzy's.
> So...
> It really doesn't count. 
> Anyhow's, how 'bout this:
> Rosie the Riveter is as gay as the day is long.
> Her husband, Bill, is pretty straight though, from what I hear.
> Who knows, really?
> Who is really, Elite, and who is not.
> Spiritually, speaking, Jesus(Yweshuwa)would be elite.
> Materially, speaking, Donald Trump(Trump) would be elite.
> Somewhere in between, is where I live!
> But, then again, 
> I thought striving to become elite was the 'American Way'
> Aren't we all striving to become rich and famous, and hang with 
> the 'Big Boy's and Girl's?
> Could be why: Johnny(Big Dong)McCain,
> P(r)icked Sarah, and why Sarah is striving so hard to win.
> Do think she's doing it(It), to be patriotic, 
> Or,
> Do you think she just might be doing IT,
> Because she(Ms.LIPSTICk) is quite, 
> R.G.

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