TurquoiseB wrote:
> I've been expecting this:
> Say It Ain't So, Sarah: Palin Smears Obama 
> With Year-Old Discredited Attack:
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/03/say-it-aint-so-sarah-pali_n_131841.html
> or
> http://tinyurl.com/4f436p
> In this clip, Sarah Palin is doing the 
> inevitable -- having an "anti-handler
> attack." It was inevitable because, just
> like McCain, she really is a maverick 
> at heart (that is, someone who does not 
> think before he or she acts, and believes
> that this is a "higher order" of action
> than thinking things through), and has 
> resented the 8-10 hours a day of "remedial 
> education" that have been forced on her 
> to prep her for the debate.
> Now that's done, and she didn't embarrass
> herself too badly, and so she's thinking,
> "I'll show them. I'll show those conde-
> scending bastards that I know a thing or
> two too. I'll come up with my *own* talking
> points."
> That's pretty much got to be the case, right?
> No handler in the Republican Party would have
> let her trot out an old crapola smear like
> this. She pretty much had to have discovered
> it on her own, probably cruising some anti-
> Obama website. Remember how she bragged about
> "doing her research" on Obama before the 
> debate itself? This was one of the "zingers"
> she thought she'd found, and was saving for
> the appropriate moment to unleash.
> And, just like John McCain, who got so pissed
> off at being handled -- and needing it -- she
> decided to "go with her gut" and take the same
> kind of flying fuck at a rolling donut that
> McCain took when he chose her as VP nominee.
> In other meltdown moments, she's backpedaling
> on most of what she said to Katie Couric, 
> while lashing out at her. It's the same revenge
> pattern we saw when she took office as mayor,
> and then again as governor. The moment she feels
> that the "pressure is off," she goes into revenge
> mode and starts lashing out at her perceived 
> enemies, "going with her gut" in an attempt to
> 1) "get" them and 2) "prove" that she doesn't 
> need handling.
> Unfortunately, she does.
> Watch for more of these meltdown moments in the
> next 2 weeks. The handlers relaxed their hold on 
> her for a few days, and now they realize what
> happens when they do. So they'll clamp back down
> on her again, and she'll resent that even more,
> and keep "going with her gut."
> And that's going to be really entertaining...
MovieStorm a free program I use to make 3D animations has released an 
Election 2008 addon pack (not free though inexpensive) complete with 
Palin, McCain, Obama, Bush and they will be adding Biden.   I'm going to 
have some fun with this particularly taking some Frances McDormand lines 
from Fargo for Palin to say (completely non-sequitur of course).

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