What level of debt (%)to GDP do you feel is appropriate? 

1) Total federal (public) debt
2) Foreign holding of federal debt

And what % of federal debt per capita is OK?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To All:
> It's obvious to everyone that the presidential candidates today and 
> the presidents of the past have failed to eliminate the USA national 
> debt.  Both of the GOP and Democratic candidates conveniently forget 
> to address this question.  Why?  Because it's a growing cancer that 
> cannot be cured by campaign promises of lowering taxes.
> President Clinton came close to solving the debt issue when his 
> administration actually realized a budget surplus which helped reduce 
> the national debt--but not by much.
> In his quest to be elected, President Bush promised more tax cuts 
> which resulted in more deficit spending and eventual increase to the 
> national debt.
> Someone has to deliver the message to the American people that the 
> party is over.  We have to face this problem now in order to 
> eliminate the problem within this generation or the next.
> But who is brave enough to speak such words to the people?

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