She just sunk the McCain campaign in one shot.


--- In
<> , "raunchydog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Paul Villareal has created a unique YouTube with links
> <>  in the video to
other videos that back up
> Gov. Palin's remarks about Obama's proven, long close association with
> Bill Ayers
> "Sarah Palin hits Obama for palling around with terrorists -- VP
> nominee attacks Obama for his long association with Weather
> Underground figure William Ayers"
>     Below is a link to the remarks made yesterday by Sarah Palin which
> connected Barack Obama with Obama's longtime friend and mentor Bill
> Ayers. Ayers is an unrepentant domestic terrorist who was involved
> with the seditionist Weather Underground organization that bombed both
> the Pentagon and the US Capitol.
>     What makes my version of this footage both a must-see and a very
> valuable resource going forward is that I have inserted 5 video link
> annotations into the production itself and I have put 19 links into
> the video description section. These links provide comprehensive,
> detailed visual and written evidence of the longstanding and intimate
> relationship between Senator Obama and radical anti-American Bill
>     Please take a look at the video when you get the chance. Favorite
> it and email it to those that you know so in the days to come all will
> have a one-stop location to answer the lies and half-truths coming out
> of the Obama campaign and its media arms as they try to innoculate
> Obama against his dangerous, extremist associates. These long-term
> mentors and friends of the Illinois pol expose Obama's stunning lack
> of judgment, his willingness to become close with those who hate our
> great republic and Obama's own nearly-unfathomable radicalism.
>     Amidst two wars and the constant threat of a second 9/11,
> America's electorate deserves to know exactly what Barack Obama and
> his dangerous associates are all about as it prepares to vote in one
> of the most important elections in our country's history.
> Visit Paul's YouTube channel,
<>  full of
> must-see informative videos.
> --- In
<> , "raunchydog" <raunchydog@>
> >
> > YouTube <> 
"Despite the NYT's "whitewash,"
> > Sarah Palin Hits Obama on Bill Ayers Relationship" By SusanUnPC
> >
> > Remember this? Do you remember Barack's snide line about Hillary
> Clinton?
> >
> > "Who does she think she is? Annie Oakley?"
> >
> > Well, Barack. Here's another tough woman comin' at you. This Annie
> > Oakley is sharp too, and she's taken aim at your long, close
> > relationship with terrorist William Ayers that you've tried to
> > because, among many terrorist acts, he helped bomb the Pentagon.
> > Sarah's job has become more difficult since the New York Times
> > your concealment with what Stanley Kurtz calls its "irresponsible
> > journalism" in today's "whitewash" story. (Kurtz also refers to the
> > exceptional research by Steve Diamond whose investigative stories
> > published here regularly.)
> >
> > Of course, at No Quarter, our readers already KNOW a great deal
> > Barack Obama's extensive ties to Bill Ayers. Read more
> > <>
> >

--- In, "raunchydog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Paul Villareal has created a unique YouTube with links
> in the video to other videos that back up
> Gov. Palin's remarks about Obama's proven, long close association with
> Bill Ayers
> "Sarah Palin hits Obama for palling around with terrorists -- VP
> nominee attacks Obama for his long association with Weather
> Underground figure William Ayers"
> Below is a link to the remarks made yesterday by Sarah Palin which
> connected Barack Obama with Obama's longtime friend and mentor Bill
> Ayers. Ayers is an unrepentant domestic terrorist who was involved
> with the seditionist Weather Underground organization that bombed both
> the Pentagon and the US Capitol.
> What makes my version of this footage both a must-see and a very
> valuable resource going forward is that I have inserted 5 video link
> annotations into the production itself and I have put 19 links into
> the video description section. These links provide comprehensive,
> detailed visual and written evidence of the longstanding and intimate
> relationship between Senator Obama and radical anti-American Bill
> Please take a look at the video when you get the chance. Favorite
> it and email it to those that you know so in the days to come all will
> have a one-stop location to answer the lies and half-truths coming out
> of the Obama campaign and its media arms as they try to innoculate
> Obama against his dangerous, extremist associates. These long-term
> mentors and friends of the Illinois pol expose Obama's stunning lack
> of judgment, his willingness to become close with those who hate our
> great republic and Obama's own nearly-unfathomable radicalism.
> Amidst two wars and the constant threat of a second 9/11,
> America's electorate deserves to know exactly what Barack Obama and
> his dangerous associates are all about as it prepares to vote in one
> of the most important elections in our country's history.
> Visit Paul's YouTube channel, full of
> must-see informative videos.
> --- In, "raunchydog" raunchydog@ wrote:
> >
> > YouTube "Despite the NYT's "whitewash,"
> > Sarah Palin Hits Obama on Bill Ayers Relationship" By SusanUnPC
> >
> > Remember this? Do you remember Barack's snide line about Hillary
> Clinton?
> >
> > "Who does she think she is? Annie Oakley?"
> >
> > Well, Barack. Here's another tough woman comin' at you. This Annie
> > Oakley is sharp too, and she's taken aim at your long, close
> > relationship with terrorist William Ayers that you've tried to
> > because, among many terrorist acts, he helped bomb the Pentagon.
> > Sarah's job has become more difficult since the New York Times
> > your concealment with what Stanley Kurtz calls its "irresponsible
> > journalism" in today's "whitewash" story. (Kurtz also refers to the
> > exceptional research by Steve Diamond whose investigative stories
> > published here regularly.)
> >
> > Of course, at No Quarter, our readers already KNOW a great deal
> > Barack Obama's extensive ties to Bill Ayers. Read more
> >
> >

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