Taking a cue from John McCain's reference to Obama as
"That one," I thought that it would be good to start 
a list (hopefully to be added to by other posters) of 
the characteristics associated with the increasing US 
vs. THEM polarity we've been seeing on Fairfield Life 
lately, and the tendency by the US group to treat the
members of the THEM group as if they are less than 
human and deserve to be thought of as "That one" rather
than as a human being. If you're a newbie, you can use 
this list to find the group you feel you best fit into.

US group members (also referred to as "We who know
the Truth while you don't") --

* Have elite membership criteria, so elite that at
present this group has only 4 members: Shemp, Judy,
raunchydog, and Willytex.

* Know The Truth about everything. Anyone who dis-
agrees with a member of the US group is by definition
wrong and REEEELLY REEEELLY STOOOPID, and can be
legitimately referred to in posts as "That one"
instead of using the poster's name.

* Have no lives. As far as anyone can tell, the most
important thing in US group posters' lives is writing
vitriol to Fairfield Life in an attempt to make some-
one else feel as unhappy as they are. Tend to panic 
when they exceed the posting limit and can't post 
for several days, and during those "on the bench" 
periods read FFL compulsively.

* Have no friends. US group members never mention 
any friends in their real lives, and seem to consider
no one here their friend.

* Demand to be respected and taken seriously, while
acting in a manner that makes it impossible to either
respect them or take them seriously.

* Fantasize that their posts are making someone feel
bad and gloat over the imagined devastating insult or
putdown. US group members tend to do this a lot.

* Imagine an audience. Tend to fantasize that other 
posters (the ones they're trying to make feel bad) are 
reading their posts as slavishly as the US group reads 
the posts of others.

THEM group members (also referred to by US group 
members as "idiots" or, individually, "That one") --

* No real membership criteria, except still having a
functional mind. (This may be one reason why the US
group feels so outcast; they don't meet this criterion.)

* Have opinions about things. Don't consider those 
opinions to be synonymous with the Truth.

* Have lives. Read and post to FFL only for entertainment
and relaxation purposes, and don't consider it all that

* Have friends, both on FFL and in real life. 

* Don't assume that anyone is reading their posts and 
taking them seriously. Don't feel that either of these
things is terribly important.

* Just write things and send them off. Don't seem to be
concerned if no one responds or if they don't respond
the way that the poster wanted them to. 

* Don't need an audience. Don't really CARE if anyone 
is reading their posts or not...for them, the pleasure 
is mainly in the writing.

* More and more, don't bother to even read posts made
by members of the US group.

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