--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From the New Scientist.
> Turkish creationist Adnan Oktar has just offered ten trillion
> lira - a mouth-watering $7.5 trillion - to "anyone who produces a
> single intermediate-form fossil demonstrating evolution".
> Whole story:
> http://tinyurl.com/4e2voq
> Here's my offering:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archaeopteryx>>

Here is my offering, but 7.5 trillion is not enough. He'll need to
double it for this one:

These anomalous skulls were located by Mr. Connolly in various South
American museums.
The general opinion seems to be that they are human but are not the
result of medical deformation and are too anomalous to be the result of
"binding" techniques. In addition, some of the skulls have brain vault
capacities significantly in excess of modern man.     
Many of these pictures have been sent to us by anonymous sources. If you
have information on them..as to their originator..or if you see
something here that belongs to you, we will be more than happy to give
you credit for your picture. We would love hearing from you with the
stories behind the pictures.
Thank you Mary Sutherland
The skull is Thought to be 1.8 million years old
By Robert Parsons
in Dmanisi, Georgia

The moment is indelibly burned into Dato Zhvania's memory.
It had been a day like any other - a day of back-breaking, painstakingly
meticulous work. A day of throbbing, enervating heat.

But as he sifted gingerly through the baked patch of ground before him,
his fingers touched something different.

The team celebrates their find
His pulse quickened.

The archaeological site at the medieval town of Dmanisi, 80 kilometres
(50 miles) south-west of the Georgian capital, Tbilisi, had already
revealed some of its secrets.

Perhaps, just perhaps, this was his turn.

But what emerged as he brushed away the earth was to far exceed his

He did not know it yet, but in his hands he held the almost perfectly
preserved skull of the most ancient human being ever found in Europe -
1.8 million years old.

More extraordinary still, it was about to throw into question all
accepted theories about the migration of our ancestors out of Africa.

Dato could not contain his excitement.

A message was sent out to team leader, Davit Lortkipanidze, a
paleoanthropologist at the Georgian State Museum in Tbilisi.

The media were alerted and Dato and his colleagues prepared to

"The first thing we did was pool together all the money we had - around
about $800. Then we drove around all the villages for miles around and
bought every bottle of champagne we could find."

He shakes his head and smiles to himself at the memory.

We were standing at the spot where the skull had been found, deep
beneath the foundations of the medieval town.

"And you know," he said, "this site is so big and so important that what
we've found so far could be nothing compared with what still lies
beneath the ground."


The remains of seven individuals have been found at Dmanisi - the most
recent this summer - but what made this discovery so special was that it
did not look like the skull of any human ever found outside Africa

Its brain cavity was far smaller - half the size of a modern human - and
it had the huge canine teeth and thin brow of an ape.

The skull variation may force us to rethink the definition Homo
This was not the tall, upright, big-brained Homo erectus we had assumed
the first humans to leave Africa to have been.

This guy was short, long-armed and probably trailed his knuckles along
the ground.

Not only that, the tools found around him were basic choppers and
cutters, just like those found at the sites of early, primitive men in

Dato Lortkipanidze thought he recognised Homo habilis, a hominid with a
close resemblance to an ape.

But what was he doing in Georgia? The theory had always been that the
migration out of Africa had only happened with the evolution of big
brains and the development of the tools and hunting skills to make the
exodus possible.

Early humans
Homo habilis: The first species in the genus Homo, dating back 1.9
million years, and found only in Africa

Homo erectus: The first species in the genus Homo to leave Africa

The discovery has opened so many questions about our ancestry that one
scientist quipped: "They ought to put it back into the ground."

Another unusual aspect of the Dmanisi find is that it was discovered in
the same layer of sediment as other hominids with substantially larger
brains - Homo erectus.

Mr Lortkipanidze suggests the variation may force us to rethink the
definition Homo.

Land of origins

The old town of Dmanisi sits atop a promontory formed by the confluence
of the Mashavera and Pinezauri rivers.

Today, it is a picnic spot for visitors from Tbilisi who come to see the
ruins of the early medieval church and castle.

Dmanisi was once an important stopping point on the Silk Route
Modern Dmanisi is a short drive away and just a small village, but this
was once an important stopping point on the Silk Route - a trading
centre between Byzantium and Persia.

When I stood on the battlements above the church, I could easily make
out the road the camels used to take and the steam baths once used by
the traders.

It is a place of steep slopes and whispering winds, of forests and
basalt cliffs, but to the north a plateau of cultivated fields stretches
away to the horizon.

This was once savannah - home to rhinoceros, game and sabre-tooth
tigers. Perfect hunting ground for hungry hominids.

Gazing out across this scene 1.8 million years after our ancestors
stumbled out of Africa, I spotted a group of Georgian villagers cheering
on a wrestling match amidst the ruins - a reminder that strife has been
the defining characteristic of our existence ever since.

But for Europeans, Dmanisi is a reminder of something else too.

This, it seems, is where our history began. Dmanisi recalls our common

Robert Parsons reported from Dmanisi for Europe Direct, which can be
seen on BBC News 24 on 11 January at 1130 GMT, and on 12 January at 0230
GMT and 1430 GMT. The programme can also be seen on BBC World on 15
January at 2230 GMT, on 16 January at 0230 GMT, 0930 GMT and 1730 GMT,
on 18 January at 1630 GMT and 2330 GMT, and on 19 January at 0230 GMT
and 1930 GMT.

CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE  <http://www.burlingtonnews.net/rocklake7.html>
      3 views of the "star child skull" . Things have changed
dramatically since 2004  in regard to the Starchild.  The site link is
www.starchildproject.com. <http://www.starchildproject.com/>  I have
recently published a book about the eight years of scientific testing
that we've done with it, "The Starchild Skull: Genetic Deformity or
Human-Alien Hybrid?" This book makes clear that we don't yet know what
the Starchild is, neither its sex or its age at birth (though we do know
it died 900 years ago). However, we DO know its mother was a Native
American human and its father was NOT human. What we have been unable to
prove was exactly what his father was, or how far his father was from
the human norm. As of late last year (2006), there is a new test that we
can apply to the Starchild's DNA that will answer those questions in
full. We expect to be able to pay for this expensive, time-consuming
procedure sometime in 2009, and we fully expect that it will prove
beyond any shadow of doubt that the Starchild was indeed a human-alien
hybrid, and its father was a pure alien.

I would appreciate you posting this information under the skull photos
you have on your site. Thanks!
Lloyd Pye
www.starchildproject.com               SPIRIT CAVEMAN     Article
originally published in the first edition of The `X' Chronicles
UFO Digest, May 1999

The movie Stargate has become a popular video cassette rental. Its
feature film release was met with disappointing reviews, however, a sort
of cult following has ensued as people have started discovering the
movie by word of mouth.

It deals with a touchy subject... Aliens that visited Earth thousands of
years ago. I learned about the film from the company that was producing
a CD ROM about the movie called The Secrets of Stargate.
The associate producer of the CD ROM, Joel Mills, had learned that I had
in my possession photographs that could prove that the movie Stargate
was based on historical fact.

They wanted to include copies of the photographs of the "unusual giant
skulls" that my wife (Bea) and I had collected over the past five years.
It seems that the movie deals with the theory that extra terrestrials
had used humans as slaves to mine metal in Egypt thousands of years ago.

Mills felt these giant skulls were proof that the ancient pharaohs had 
the same elongated skulls hidden under their crown head-dress, and that,
in fact, the Coneheads of Saturday Night Live are based on fact, not

I pointed out to him that Egypt's King Akhenaton and his daughters were
proud of their distinct features (elongated skulls) and the true facts
of this royal family are shrouded in controversy. Some historians point
out that the giant skulls of this family are a deformity caused by
inbreeding. Others discount this and claim that it is the art style of
the Armana period.

The secret society known as the Rosicrucians place King Akhenaton on
their highest pedestal by reconstructing his statue and main temple at
their head office in San Jose, California.

Mills also asked permission to use photographs of giant skulls that I
had obtained while filming at the Nasca lines in Peru. Although Stargate
did not deal with a Peruvian connection, he felt the world needed to see
the photographs to understand that ancient skulls of extraordinary
dimensions could be found at other major archaeological sites around the
world, in particular, the Nasca Line and the ruins of Peru.... in the
shadows of the Cheops pyramids in Egypt... and the ancient Mayan ruins
of Central America... The Triangle of the Ancient Gods.

I was happy to send him the photos but warned him that the photos would
probably be too controversial fo the general public. He seemed surprised
at this comment and wondered why he hadn't seen pictures like this
before. The complicated answer took a great deal of time to explain! I
will try to encapsulate this answer and relate to you a brief history of
these unusual skulls.

I first came across drawings of the skulls in a book by Ignatius
Donnelly called Atlantis, The Antedeluvian World. The author tries to
prove that at one time there existed a Continent in the middle of the
Atlantic Ocean that sank into the sea. Before it sank, the rulers left
for Egypt, Mexico and Peru and became rulers of these countries.

He found information about these skulls hidden in the Library of
Congress in Washington. I had learned from the Peruvian government that
these unusual skulls could be found in many museums in Peru and
excavations were uncovering them even now near the Nasca Plateau.

I had read Erich Von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods? and remembered his
theories of ancient astronauts landing in this desert area.

A few years ago, we were invited to film and photograph these skulls and
other discoveries that Peruvian archaeologists are currently unearthing.
These skulls are so numerous in the area of the Nasca desert that you
can find small makeshift museums in the backyards of the locals. They
dug up their ancestors so you can view their remains for a small fee.

Some skulls show the evidence of ancient brain surgery that prove their
ancestors possessed certain abilities that modern science has just
recently discovered.

Stunned, we wondered why we had not seen photographs of these skulls
before. Our guides explained their church leaders feel these skulls are
the work fo the devil, the offspring of the fallen angels in the Bible.

In Mexico we found the same types of skulls in a museum in Merida, a
city close to the ruins of Palenque. Lord Shield Pascal had the same
elongated skull, an image which is found engraved on his tomb.  Erich
Von Daniken has described the drawings as Pascal sitting in a rocket

The conquering Spaniards found the natives deforming their heads to make
them appear more "god like" and the priests declared them devil
Mean while in Egypt, King Akhenaton was also regarded as a heretic and
all information about this king was obliterated until just recently.

These finding prove that the rulers of these advanced societies all
shared the common bond of huge skulls and brains that probably provided
them with superior intelligence.

This information has been shared by secret societies and religious
leaders for hundreds of years and up until now they had decided to keep
these secrets for themselves.

All who first see the pictures feel... "They show proof of beings from
another world." It seems that these conclusions were deemed to be too
shocking for the average person and that these skulls were to be
dismissed as deformities and hidden far from public view. That is, until
President Fujimori took power in Peru. He had decided to allow the
skulls to be photographed and has brought them to the attention of the

Resistance to publishing the photographs has remained, and there appears
to be a world wide cover-up of the skulls true origins. The only answers
seems to be that public knowledge of "Fallen Angels" or ancient
astronauts would disrupt society and the world's religions.

I told Joel Mills he would probably face the same struggle to get the
photos published in the CD ROM, just as we have encountered with the
various news media.

He felt sure that the time was here and now to wake up the world, and
that the movie Stargate was just the beginning. I wished him luck and
success with the idea and sent him all the material I had in my
possession to document the facts he needed. Several months passed and
then one day he phoned to tell me he had left the CD ROM production team
and that none of the skull photographs would be included in The Secrets
of Stargate.

After several run-ins with executives in Hollywood, the pictures were
deemed to be unsuitable for inclusion in The Secrets of Stargate

. He was much happier with his new job promoting a public speaker that
teaches the history and wisdom of ancient Egypt and again asked for
permission to use the photographs, but this time for private
presentations only. He had learned first hand about the powers that have
kept these pictures hidden from the public.               A Pygmy Homo
3 Million Years Old

The Essington [Oberon] NSW
mineralised [ironstone] partly mummified skull.

This small hominid skull, although lacking a rear brain case due to
crushing through burial beneath a heavy overlying strata, displays
surviving features of a remarkable 'modern' appearance, such as a
vertical forehead and face.

There does not seem to have been projecting eyebrow ridges and there is
a long 'modern' nose. Mummified skin covers most of the face, and a
patch of skin has detached itself from the left side of the nose to
cover the left eye socket, suggesting the hominid may have already been
dead and decomposing at the time of its initial preservation.

The left side of the head has been crushed inwards flattening the
cheekbone, although this is present on the right side of the specimen.
The teeth of the upper jaw have been broken away and the lower jaw
crushed, revealing adult teeth. Mud and small gravels have filled the
skull's interior. Mineralised mud and gravels cover the rear of the

The specimen was initially covered by a deposit of volcanic ash and mud
during an eruption that was responsible for the rapid preservation of
the tissue. As volcanic disturbances in the Oberon region ceased in late
Pliocene times, this suggests the specimen to be around 3 million years

The skull/mummified head is 14cm in height by 9cm across the facial
section by 8cm thick in its incomplete state. The hominid's height is
estimated to have been about 84cm.

The 'modern' features of this specimen suggest a pygmy-size race of Homo
that evolved around late Pliocene times,

The fossil was unearthed by Mrs Joy Colley about 1995 and donated to the
Rex Gilroy Natural Science collection.

Since then two further specimens, recovered by Rex Gilroy at sites in
Qld suggest all three skull-types may be related.


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