--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , "raunchydog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Desperate Democrats call for "desperate Republican" press coverage
> http://tinyurl.com/45xpnc <http://tinyurl.com/45xpnc>
> "A desperate disease requires a desperate remedy."
> Guy Fawkes, 6 Nov 1605 (After being caught trying to blow up the
> houses of parliament and kill James I.)

Indeed, James I of Britain was a rationalist. Guy Fawkes was a religious
fanatic intent on destruction of civilization.

The Democrats are rationalists.
Palin, Bush, Rice, Ascroft, are religious fanatics who put their
religious armageddon beliefs over their country.

Are you siding with that latter pilosophy or not RaunchyDog?
Answer the question. Do you support Palin who believes that these are
the Last Days,and the quicker the Earth is destroyed, the quicker Jesus
will return,  and that nothing she does can be 'wrong' because she is
with Jesus, and anyone not in her church is evil.
Do you support this worldview?


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