Check out this map:

Does this say it all, or what? Note the lack of
red on the map. *Anywhere* on the map. Note the
preponderance of dark gray.

This is the legacy of the Neocon disaster and
of the George W. Bush presidency.

It's also interesting that the *only* real 
endorsement for John McCain that has come out
of the international community has been from

And how does John McCain react to finding out
that international terrorism regards him as
the best candidate because he's so stupid and
reactive? He schedules a stupid and reactive
conference call:

On the whole, the only "endorsement" that could
do John McCain more harm than one from Al-Quaeda
is an endorsement from George W. Bush. Fortunately,
Saturday Night Live has provided us with a sneak
peek at what such an endorsement moment would look
like, starring Will Ferrell and Tina Fey. This 
one is a classic, possibly the best of the SNL
parodies so far:

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