On Oct 26, 2008, at 3:10 PM, okpeachman2000 wrote:

Your hypocrisy.

Unelectable? Just wait 9 days sweetie.
You are a posterchild for bitter racist
manhating stupidity.

You know, I was thinking about this...in all the elections
I can recall, never has one of the long-shots, including
*real* long shots like Dole and Mondale, not to mention
Goldwater and McGovern, ever been referred to as
"unelectable," even though, since all were running against
popular incumbents, it would have been a far more applicable
term than it is now.  Why only this time, did many of HIllary's
supporters, as well as Hillary herself I believe, throw out this
incredibly mean-spirited term at Obama?

Food for thought.


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