--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> And I repeat my challenge:
> If there is even ONE person on this forum 
> who believes EITHER that what I wrote below
> was a "death threat" OR that Judy really 
> believes it was, please make yourselves 
> known. Speak up.


If you were a normal person, Barry, who operated under the confines 
of what the law calls "what a reasonable person would do in similar 
circumstances" then, no, I don't believe that what you wrote was a 
death threat.

But you aren't normal, Barry, nor do you act as a reasonable person 
would in most circumstances.

To wit:

1) you have engaged in a 12-year daily battle of words with Judy over 
the internet, boring us all to hell with your incessant, silly 
weakness that compells you to answer any and all posts by her.  THAT 

2) you insist that you have witnessed levitation by your now-dead-by-
his-own-hand cult guru, LenzBabaRamaKoolAid, on dozens of occasions 
and still hold to these delusions as fact.  THIS IS ENOUGH TO GET YOU 
NATION.  In the East, of course, they will sanctify you and try to 
pick the dirt out from between your third and fourth toes.

The very fact that you are perpetuating this "death threat" thread is 
evidence of your instability.

I've recently seen Woody Allen's "Vicki Christina Barcelona" (twice) 
which is probably the best tourism advertisement the nation of Spain 
has ever had imposed upon them.  I can only imagine that if Stiges is 
1/10th as beautiful as the Spain that I saw in that movie, that you 
must be in something approximating Heaven on Earth.

Why the fuck aren't you letting such beauty seep into your 
consciousness?  Are you so out of it that you'll let this ugliness 
you're mired in blind you to the beauty that surrounds you, as you 
sit in the cafe you are most likely in sipping your latte...

Enough of this crap...I'm going hiking in the desert...I don't want 
to end up like you, the bitter unhappy man that you are.

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